Chapter 14: The Royal Ball

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"I'm done packing dad!" Rukia yelled as Sakura brought down her suitcase full of belongings. "Good now go get ready for the Ball." Naruto yelled as he organized Kenpachi's suitcase, he was known to be very unorganized. Byakuya and Kenpachi both sat in the living room, Byakuya's suitcase neat and ready by the door. He had a black yukata with a white obi, he had half of his hair down, his hairs at the front where bought back into a small ponytail to make sure that it didn't get in his way.

Kenapchi also had the same yukata but his hair was down and just lazily flopped, showing off that he was lazy.

Both yukata's didn't have their clan symbols, so they wore three rings with each symbol on it. On the right hand both Uzumaki and Namikaze and on the left on the ring finger was the Kurai clan.

Rukia finally came running down the stairs with sakura who assisted her in dressing her. Since she finally had obtained her Bankai she had to wear all white, plus she was the main subject of the party, she needed to be presentable for the important people such as lords, Hokages, and others.

She had a white long Yukata that had a long back tail that traveled onto the floor with a white obi, she had very long sleeves that almost reached to the floor, her hair in a neat bun with black decorated chopsticks, she had on fake snowflakes earings that hung. Rukia had the kurai symbol on a pin that was placed on her bun and the Uzumaki, Namikaze symbols were side by side. The only thing that stood out was the very small hints of black and her deep mesmerizing black eyes.

"Rukia remember that you shouldn't stress yourself or you will start sweating and you will feel veryyyy uncomfortable, also remember everything I taught you." Sakura stated as she put the finishing touches in her make-up.

Sakura had also had these types of training when she married sasuke, even Sarada had to remember the lessons that Hinabi from the Hyuuga clan gave. Hinabi couldn't teach Rukia because she was busy with Clan matters so Sakura quickly came and shoved as much as she could into Rukia's brain.

Sarada was also there but was silent the whole time just following and helping the ladies If they needed anything. Sakura and Sarada had on dark Blue and Red Yukatas to represent the Uchiha estate, of course they where invited.

Naruto had a black yukata with a dark orange obi, he wore the same rings and had his sword on his hip. He was to be Rukia's bodyguard if anything were to happen.

"Okay, let's go" Naruto clapped as he continued "Rukia there is a 'carriage' outside, you will walk to it and sit down, your brothers will go in the one behind you, I will walk to make sure everything is okay, there's also gaurds." They nodded and walked outside.

Sarada and Sakura quickly made it to a different 'carriage' that Sasuke had sent and was already waiting.

There sat a box with cushions inside, Rukia quickly walked to it and sat elegantly as possible as someone helps her inside and closes the blinds, the boys do the same and they were closed off from the outside world, four men on each box grabbed the cylinder shaped wood poking out and lifted it to their shoulders, and started walking to their destination.

Kakashi had planned everything and set a place outside the walls of Konoha which was classified to anyone but the people who were invited. They were the main families of the Uchiha's, Yamanaka's, Nara's, Akimichi's, Aburame's, Hyuga's, and the Inuzuka's. They also invited feudal Lords, Kage's, and other important Clans that wanted to come, other than them there was small friends from the siblings and that's all.


Rukia sighed as she noticed they have been traveling for 10 minutes and Rukia thought that they were going to make it quickly. She opened the curtain slightly to signal the person who was to help her with her every need, this lady quickly walked up and leaned to hear Rukia whisper, "when will we make it?" The lady quicker responded with "In 20 minutes Princess." Rukia let the curtain fall back and internally groaned. She new this was going to take a while, Rukia felt everything come to a stop and was being put to the ground, and comotion started outside. She wondered what was going all.

"What is happening?" Rukia said loud enough that everyone quickly silenced themselves, Naruto opened the curtain after asking to open it and said "We needed to stop due to chakra signatures ahead." Rukia nodded and pulled her yukata up to her thigh and pulled out a scroll, she quickly fixed herself and held the scroll just in case they were attacked.

Rukia closed her eyes and trained her eyes onto her fathers chakra, two other chakra signatures who stopped at the sight of him quickly walked to him. They seemed to be talking and they quickly jumped away.

"We're safe, turns out that was some scouting ninjas hidden and watching out for their Clan leader." Naruto walked up to Rukia and as she opened the curtain she noticed everyone started to put their katanas back into the sheaths and go back into carrying things.

Rukia sighed and retreated into her 'carriage'.


"We're here Princess." The lady said, Rukia nodded and put back the scroll and with the lady's help she stepped out, her small black heels slightly showing Maids and chefs lined the entrance and bowed to greet her, behind her, her brothers followed and her dad stood in the back like a proud momma duck. They finally entered the massive building, Kakashi first walked up and smiled he took Rukias hand and kissed her knuckles, "Welcome and enjoy."

Rukia nodded and already knew that this was going to be a struggle.

Rukias eyes widened as she looks at her seat, it was way to extravagant, she sighed but nonetheless sat down, she smiled at everyone who greeted her, and finally the dancing started. She wanted to get up so badly and do something fun, Rukia finally made her mind and stood until the feudal lord of fire walked towards her.

Rukia panicked not knowing if she should bow, she quickly glanced at sakura in panic until Sakura mouthed "Bow and smile." Rukia averted her eyes and finally looked at the lord of fire, Rukia bowed in respect and smiled at the lord who smiled back and bowed, "How lovely of a ball, do you mind if we take some wine?" Rukia smiled and said, "I'm sorry my lord for I am underaged." The lord glared and said "A cup of red wine won't hurt." He shoved a cup into her hand, "Walk with me hon."

Rukia was very cautious at the drink in her hand, she was taught to be careful with what she drinks, she didn't care if it was alcoholic, she was scared if it was drugged. Rukia glanced at her father who nodded a okay.

Rukia forcefully smiled at the lord and took a sip, the lord smiled and said "What will you do with your clan? Where will you build it?" Rukia held a face back as the Wine traveled down her throat, she hated the taste of it, they came to a sudden halt where she stood with the rest of the feudal lords, "I plan to make it In Konoha or in the land of fire. Its where my father grew and I want to keep it that way." The Lord of fire Gleamed at the information and smirked at the other lords. "That's great please tell me if you need anything." Rukia smiled and sipped her wine. She bowed a goodbye and went to check the others. She approached the Uchihas and quickly handed the rest of the wine to Sakura who looked surprised, "Missy what are you doing with this?" Rukia giggled "Feudal lord auntie." Sakura nodded and drank the rest before putting the glass down, Sakura grew pale, "oh no." Sakura whispered, "Sasuke code green."

Rukia looked at her bewildered, "I was DRUG-" Rukia fell onto the floor, "augh damn." Rukia mumbled, everyone gasped as she collapsed many waitresses quickly assisted her and helped her onto her feet. "H-how do you not feel this?" Rukia mumbled as she started to sweat and feels cramps in her stomach.

"I'm a medic nin, I learned to take out drugs or poison out of me without anyone noticing-"

"FROM ABOVE!" Everyone screamed as the roof started to collapse, Sasuke quickly grabbed Rukia bridal style and jumped out of the building with Sakura in tow.

Naruto who was panicking outside with her siblings trying to find Rukia spot her and Sigh in relief. Sasuke laid her down and Sakura began to extract the drug.

Out of nowhere Kisuke flash steps next to Naruto and mumbled "oh no, its Aizen." Naruto glared at the man who seemed to be floating in air. "I need the Hogyoku."

Aizens eyes spanned the land and they landed on Rukia, "You." Aizen was about to grab Rukia until Kisuke got in the way. "Well well well." Aizen smirked, "Move." Kisuke knew he wouldn't be able to stop him, "Senbonzakura Kageyoshi." Byakuya's voice boomed as he let go of his zanpakuto and it turned into millions of Sakura petals.

My children जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें