Chapter 4: The Hyuuga Family

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As the Kurai-Uzumaki triplets waited to see their father along with the Hyuuga's, Tsunade approached them, they all stood to hear the news of what happened to Naruto. "Im afraid Naruto will have to stay the day and tomorrow as well. As of now Hinata can you please take care of them?" Hinata nods. "Okay, we'll call if anything else happens." Tsunade left muttering "I need a break from being the Hokage." leaving the triplets in Hinatas hands.

Silence fills the group, Hinata kneeled and looked at them, she notices Rukia about to burst into tears again. Hinata gasps softly and smiles holding her hands out open, welcoming her into her arms. Rukia brawled into her chest as the other two brothers stood in silence.

"Okay." Kiba said patting the boys back, "let's head home." Kiba took Yumi and put her on his shoulders, and grabbed the boys shoulder's leading them with Hinata trailing behind.

They quickly make it to the Hyuuga compound knowing that their small house wouldn't be able to handle 3 more kids.

Hinabi opened the door noticing the three newcomers, she let them all in and settled them in the living room. Hinata's father, Hiashi comes in and takes a seat in his chair. Yumi giggled and climbed onto his lap as he pat her hair.

"Who are these kids?" Hiashi questioned as he took notice of the two brothers in chairs silent unlike Rukia who was still crying.

"Father they are the children of Naruto Uzumaki." Hiashi froze, his eyes glared at the three. "I do not want these kids in my ho-" Hinata threw a glare. "Be careful of what you say Father. You should mind your tongue." His eyes widened at her tone of voice surprised by her character.

"They are also the children of Hime Kurai. The clan leader of the Kurai tamashī that died giving birth to the three triplets." His eyes widened even more of the news.

He sighed and closed his eyes, he called over a maid and told her to ready 2 rooms one for the triplets and the other for Hinata, Kiba and Yumi.

The maid nodded and excused herself, Hinata stood with Rukia and told the brothers to follow her, she followed the maid who opened the door and let them in, the maid presented them three PJs and laid it on the bed. The boys quickly changed and laid in the bed Rukia had finally calmed down and changed as well.

She climbed in the middle of her two brothers and quickly slept, exhausted by her worry towards her dad. Hinata left the room after a few seconds and quietly closed the door. She raised an eyebrow as she noticed two guards stationed by the doors. She smiled as she quickly realized her father sent them. She glared at both of them and said "Protect them with your life."

They gulped and nodded. She walked away and asked a different maid where her room was and once given direction she walked to her room.

She opened the door to notice her daughter already sleeping and Kiba who was already changed and was waiting for her. She smiled towards him and climbed into bed next to her daughter and slept.


"I FOUND IT!!" Screamed Sakura as she held the antidote. She raced to Naruto's room who was awake and grunting in pain. His eyes looked up warily and then excitedly as he looked at sakura. She had both the medicine to drink and made it into a small lotion so he can apply on the rashes.

As he drank the entire cup, sakura applied the lotion and bandaged him up. "Luckily no scars will stay after recovering." He smiled and said a small thank you and went back to sleep. Sakura did a small check up after a couple of minutes to see if anything went wrong. But it didn't so she went back into her office and put everything away.

She quickly wrote down on a piece of paper Naruto Uzumaki, and paused, wondering if she had to put down Kurai. She didn't due to his papers in Konoha. It wasn't recorded yet that he was married. So she quickly decided to talk to Tsunade about it the next day.

As morning quickly came Sakura walked into Narutos room to see him standing and looking alive and healthy. "Sakura, whatever you gave me, made me feel good as new." She giggled and said "Sit down so I can re-bandage your wounds."

He sat on his bed and let sakura do the work. She looked at his arms astonished. "Y-you're completely healed." Naruto looked at his arms and said "Oh must be Kurama." Sakura quickly understood and said, "well your good to head home. Your kids are at the huuga compounds by the way, Hinata took the liberty of caring for the while you recuperated." He nods quickly changing back into some fresh clothes that someone left for him and left the hospital making his way to the Hyuuga compound.

Naruto entered the compound while some hyuuga glared at him, annoyed he finally jumped on top of the roofs and stopped by the main house. He drops down in front of the building rings the doorbell waiting. Hiashi opens and says. "I have a proposition to make." Naruto raises an eyebrow. He knows how much Hiashi hates his guts with a passion, what would be so important to him to put that aside.

"Okay but I will be seeing my own children first." Hiashi nods and lets him in, he looks into the living room and smiles as he looks at his kids who were playing games. They all turned and jumped up, Rukia squealed in happiness. They all ran to him and gave him a hug. "You don't look like a old man anymore!!!" Laughed Kenpachi.

Naruto rolled his eyes and said "Wait here for a sec. I've got something to do." They smiled and went back to playing games. Naruto followed Hiashi into his office where the both sat and faced each other.

"What is this proposition?" Naruto asked as a maid walked in with cups of tea, and set it down in front of them before quickly exiting.

"If you agree to these terms, Before the Age of 25 one of your kids shall marry one of the main branches child, being the same age and all. This would further improve not only the Uzumaki relations but as well as the Namikaze Relations as well." Hisahi stated heading right into the matter.

Naruto glared at him and said "I know your going to do this for your own benefit so I will no-"

Hiashi cut him off and continued. "It would also give the chance of the Uzumaki, Namizaki, and the Kurai tamashī clan to have the CRA (Clan Restoration Act) giving them a chance to reproduce and to make sure that neither clan will die."

Naruto sat up straight while his mind was running about the plans Hisashi had in store for him.

Thinking if he should agree to the terms, Hiashi had the document in his hands ready for a sign, Naruto smirked and said "I would like to add a few things as well." Hiashi had a stoic face on.

Naruto held up four fingers.

"If or by the time of 25 years old, if either Rukia, Kenpachi, or Byakuya Uzumaki Namikaze Kurai, has a boyfriend, fiance, or Husband they will not have this contract get in the way. They have and are freely to do what they want, either marry the one they love, or marry one of the Hyuuga." Hiashi looked angry at Naruto as he continues.

Naruto held up three fingers.

"If one of them do marry a Hyuuga and agree to marry them, the other two siblings are free from the contract regardless of anything done to the original copy, meaning I will also have a copy of it, and if edited, I will look over and decide if its okay."

Naruto held up two fingers.

"Once either Rukia, Kenpachi, or Byakuya Uzumaki Namikaze Kurai, marry the Hyuga you see fitted appropriately, they all have the protection and shelter if anything causes them to either move out of their homes along with them and their families."

Naruto held up one last finger.

"If I Naruto Namikaze Uzumaki Kurai, either die or be put into a coma, the contract will be passed down in this order. Kenpachi, Byakuya, and Rukia. If something happens to all of us the contract will be immediately terminated, making any other offspring free of this contract."

Hiashi nods and the terms already written down on a separate sheet of paper. "I will have the final contract done tomorrow, then you can look over and sign." He nods and stands leaving the tea cold and leaves.

'I did this for one thing only, my promise to my wife. To let our clans live.'

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