chapter 12: Party

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Once Naruto saw Rukia enter the room unharmed he let out a long breath of relief, he then grinned hard and ran up to his daughter grabbing her by the waist and twirling her, "YOU DID IT!!" Naruto screamed out in happiness bringing her into a hug.

Kenpachi and Byakuya quickly stood up with grins also etched across their faces, they ran towards their father and sister and also joined the hug in happiness. Naruto laughed as the two tackled him and landed on the ground with a thump.

Tsunade smiled at the sight her heart melting at the scene, Shikamaru and Temari also laughed when they see their son look grimly at them wanting the same affection, which he actually received right away from the grasp of his mother.

"I see everything is fine." Naruto stated examining her thoroughly, "Well... it didn't go Perfectly, I flinch and it caused a cut on my face but thankfully Baa-chan and sakura-nee was there to make sure everything was okay."

Naruto's face paled and horror struck him, "wait, if you moved your arm what would happen?" Rukia smiled "I would've lost an arm. But that's why I need to be alone so it's okay."

"Well I'll keep that in mind, for now let's celebrate, for you finally getting your Zanpakuto, and for your incoming inauguration." Naruto said grimly, they both knew that once Rukia has her finale Bankai, the council will want her to enroll into Konoha as a official clan, "But it's your choice if you want your new clan to be here in Konoha or if you want it somewhere else." Naruto stated assuring Rukia, "I will be the one to help during meetings and big decisions if you need it, Your auguration will happen at the age of 18, so for now I'll be the leader, you'll just give your opinions to me and I'll follow, for now." Naruto stated seriously, Rukia looked at her father happily, "Thanks dad." She mumbled as she hugged him in apprectiation.

Naruto took a pause and looked at Rukia in confused,  "If you had to use your Bankai by force what cause you to use it?" Kenpachi started laughing with humor but fear mixed with it, Rukia started saying "Me... and Shikadai were on top of the cliff w-" Kenpachi quickly laughed out loud and yelled "MAKING OUT." Rukia glared at Kenpachi, the adults eyed widened at the news. "BUT YOU SCARED ME AND I FELL OFF THE CLIFF." 

"WHAT?!" Naruto's voice boomed out with Kurama's voice mixed in. It was clear that he was furious, the two siblings quickly straightened themself and looked at their father who was red, his eyes blazing with black slits.

All the adults in the room quickly backed up and looked at Naruto with weary eyes, Naruto quickly shoved his face into his hand and breathed slow and steady breaths. "You, Kenpachi, are grounded for two weeks, and Rukia your grounded for a week." He calmly said, "and you're only allowed to do missions for those weeks." He finally looked up with his normal crystal blue eyes. "Yes, Dad." The siblings said simultaneously.

"Anyway, in two weeks we will have that party I was talking about, the Nara's of course are invited," he said motioning towards Shikamaru's family. Naruto then bowed his head in appreciation, "Thank you for letting us stay for a few hours." Rukia came up besides him and bowed as well. "Thank you." She repeated and salked her way towards the door with her father, her brothers tagging along.


Two weeks later and Naruto's consistent scolding, the two siblings can finally be free from their rooms, when Kenpachi finally breathed the fresh air he laughed and rolled onto the ground, "We are having the party at the Uzumaki household today, first with family and friends, everything is set up and everyone is coming. Tomorrow we are having a second party for important council members and possibly clan leaders who would want to meet you." Naruto made a face that said 'oh shit'

"I forgot to teach you etiquette." Naruto quickly facepalmed, "I think we should be fine dad, we know the basics." Byakuya stated. Naruto signed but nodded "Rukia you have to bow in respect to only Clan leaders and Hokage. Okay?"

Rukia nodded understanding, "Good. Now today is casual, wear what you want." And quickly they were off.

Rukia opened her wardrobe, she eyed two dresses one black that was strapless and hugged her from the chest to the waist the rest was flowy and stopped by her knees, the second dress was white it stopped mid thigh and flowed down to the back her chest covered with jewels and had a couple necklaces that went with it.

Rukia quickly grabbed the black dress and slipped on small black wedges she quickly put her hair into a messy bun, and put on some earrings with a matching Necklace, since the dress stopped at her knees she hid her kuni pouch under her dress just in case. She walked down the stairs of the Namikaze household and was greeted by her two brothers who had on normal ANBU clothes. 

"Yup I'm taking my sword if some guy starts to be a perv." Her father stated as he gripped the hilt of the sword that was hidden in his black cloak. Naruto also wore ANBU styled clothes, basically they looked like bodyguards for Rukia.

"Let's go!!" Rukia yelled excitedly, and they were off top the Uzumaki household.


During the party Rukia was chatting with Sarada and Chocho, she was also dipping her fruits in a chocolate fountain eating them one by one enjoying the sweetness.

They were interrupted by Naruto who spoke up getting everyone's attention, "I would like to thank everyone for coming and a special thanks for the people who helped set up, and I would like to congratulate my daughter who finally achieved Bankai." Everyone clapped, happy for Rukia. Rukia then started to say, "Thank you everyone, and a special thanks for Kenpachi who helped me," Rukia jokingly threw a glare at him.

"And thank you for those who helped me during that time as wel-" out of nowhere a man with a white kimono and a dark green cloak, with a hat that had green and white stripes that covered half of his face jumped out with a cane, the man hurled towards Rukia grinning, Naruto had jumped over a table and quickly pulled out his sword to block the mans attack.

Rukia gasped and fell back tumbling into Shikadai who grabbed her and pulled her behind him, quickly many ANBU surrounded Rukia and Sasuke who was invited stood next to Naruto getting ready to attack at any moment.

"Hello Naruto Namikaze Uzumaki, I am Kisuke Urahara. I'm from a different dimension, I have come to speak with you."

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