Chapter 5: Bare Hands

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As Naruto slowly walked down the halls to get to the living room, Naruto thought to himself if what he was doing was truly alright. He froze when he hears the sounds of Rukia's screams echo through the walls making Naruto dash towards the living room along with Hisahi who poked his head out of his office and ran with Naruto.

Naruto looked into the living room to see Kenpachi on the floor with Rukia on his lap, Kenpachi had a panicked look on his face looking down on her. On the opposite of them, Byakuya had a sword out pointing it at Kiba who stood back with a scared look on his face ready to crap himself.

"WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?" Naruto's voice boomed. Kenpachi looked up and said "DAD... Rukia is slipping out of consciousness!!" Naruto rushed to Rukia and crouched touching her forehead. "She collapsed when she grabbed that man's hand." Kenpachi pointed out, as he pointed at Kiba.

Naruto looked at Kiba in rage. "What did you do?" Kiba shook as he hears the Nine tails voice leak out. "I-i did n-nothing, I-" Rukia shakily grabbed her fathers sleeve, "Dad... I-I saw K-Kiba's mem-memories," she managed to stutter out before passing out.

Naruto took Rukia out of Kenpachis arms and dashed to the hospital.


As they waited for a few hours, a doctor came out and said "Uzumaki Namikaze Kurai?" The doctor said looking baffled at the name. Naruto stood up and dashed towards them, "What happened to my little girl?"

"She's fine." Everyone sighed in relief, "She just passed out due to shock, she tells me that she remembers things from a Man and that it all overwhelmed her. She's awake and you can visit, family in all, but for friends two at a time." The doctor said plainly and dismissed himself.

They all walked into the room she was located in and entered. She looked up stressed and tired, "Hi dad." She grimly said trying to be cheerful, he ruffled her hair and asked, "What happened?" She sighed and replied with a monotone voice, "Dad I need gloves." Naruto looked at her questionably.

"I have come to a conclusion that if I touch a persons hand, with my Bare hand, I get that person's memories. Which means, I now have been exposed to things a child myself shouldn't have seen," she shivered.

"I don't know how or where I got this power from, but know that I need gloves, and that I have lots of questions." Naruto feared at what exactly she saw in Kibas memories, and why the powers had surfaced.

Naruto froze thinking if she had finally gotten her Period but quickly brushed that out of his mind. It was impossible she was only 6 for crying out loud. "When will you be discharged?" Rukia softly responded with a "Tomorrow at 9 in the morning." Naruto nodded and sighed. The whole family stayed until visiting hours were over.

Naruto quickly walked towards the Hokage's office wanting to speak to Tsunade, until he sees Kakashi sitting at the desk doing tons of paper work. "What are you doing Kakashi sensei??" Kakashi looked up at Naruto. "Im going to be the new Hokage. Im under training right now. Tsunade said I'm the only one she sees fit to be Hokage. I had to accept because she has been hokage for years and the council wants a new Hokage too. So here I am."

Naruto chuckles, "Well, Hokage-sama can you please allow me to see the documents you have on the Kurai tamashī clan please?"

Kakashi rose an eyebrow, "Those documents are very important. I can't just let you se-" Naruto held his hand up to stop him. "Ka-Hokage-sama I am the husband to Hime Kurai. I need and deserve to know what the clan is about and what it's doing to my daughter." Kakashi sighed and replied "Okay, BUT you need to read those files in and only in my office with me." Naruto nods.

Those files were so important that kakashi had the files in his desk which was the right bottom drawer. He pulled out a medium sized folder and laid it out.

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