chapter 8: Iruka's wrath.

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Imagine a sunny day everything is relaxing until the father of three legendary children comes face to face with his father figure and sensei, Iruka. It was in the Principles office and they stood there in silence while the kids look at them weirdly, waiting for themselves to be registered and be sent to their new classes.

Naruto started to sweat and shake a little, 'son of a bitch, I totally forgot about Iruka-Sensei. Oh my god i am SOOOOO DEAD.' In the back of Naruto's mind-scape you can hear Kurama boom in laughter at the situation. 'SIX YEARS NARUTO HAHAHAHAHAHA.'

Naruto slowly looks up at makes direct eye contact with his old sensei, "anno.... Ummm.... Im here to register your grandchildren in the ninja Academy." The kids and Iruka gasped at the news. "W-What?!" He said out loud as he looked at the three kids.

"Oh my..." Iruka stood and crouched in front of the 3 kids, who were now 12 and are a handful. "He grabs all three of them and hugs them practically bawling into them. At first the boys wanted out of the hug but realizing the man was crying, they just let it happen.

After a few minutes he backed up and rose onto his feet and cleaned his face up of any tear marks.

"Well kids, before I give your father a scolding and a smack I'll put in the papers for you kids, and I'll lead you to your class." The kids nodded and smiled, Iruka quickly filed in everything and stood up, "you will be put in a class with people you know fairly well, Shino is your sensei, you will call him Aburame-sensei since he will teach you for this year until you graduate. Aburame-san is known by your father so I know Naruto will feel comfortable with you there.

The kids nodded and began to walk alongside their grandfather. Naruto stood back and followed behind smiling at the view,

Rukia giggled and squealed excited for her new class, "Guys do I look okay?!" She whispered towards her brothers, kenpachi looked at her and said "You're fine how you are, all I know is that im gonna kill someone of they look at you in a wrong way." Byakuya nodded in agreement not saying a word.

Rukia had a black skirt with spandex short underneath, with a black crop top on, with knee high ninja boots, of course Naruto didn't approve so he made her wear the cape with their emblems on it. The cape went to her waist, so it was small and moveable for her. And of course her signature black and white gloves.

The boys went plain not caring how they look like, black ninja sweats, a black shirt with their clan emblem on both shoulders, and back. All three had their Kuni pouch on their right leg.

Finally Iruka opened the door to where there gonna spend the rest of the year in. Iruka told the our to wait outside for a sec while he made a small announcement.

"A few of you in this class know who's going to be coming into this class. Others don't, but it doesn't matter who you are, you have to respect these three new students. Not only because they are important but they are ESPECIALLY important to me."

Iruka handed Shino documents. "These are you're new students." Shino gasped, "You're trusting me with these three?!" Iruka nodded, "plus Naruto has faith in you, and so do I." Shino nodded.

"Well come in then." Shino motioned to the three, who were by the door, Rukia entered first followed by the two, since rukia was about 5 feet tall, as tall as any normal girl in the class, but as the two boys entered eyebrows were raised Byakuya at 5 feet 5 inches and Kenpachi rose at the tallest with 5 feet 6 inches. They practically looked like bodyguards for her. Shino bowed at Rukia and said "Welcome to your new class pri-." Rukia quickly cut him off knowing what he was going to say.  "No need for that sensei. I should be bowing to you." And simultaneously they all bowed at their new sensei. "Please take care of us." They also said at the same time.

They turned and stood in front of the class Rukia in the middle and her brothers at her sides. she stepped up and introduced herself "Hello, My name is Rukia Uzumaki Namikaze Kurai, long name but we all have it. Im the youngest born at 8:00pm," All the boys swooned at her, but quickly disappeared as Byakuya stepped up and glared, "My name is Byakuya, same last and middle names as my sister, im the second oldest born at 7:30pm," Kenpachi stepped up taking all the glory, "The names Kenpachi, same last and mid names, and I'm the oldest," his glare glazed across the room, making everyone shiver. "I was born at 6:00pm,"

Naruto sweat dropped at their way to protect their sister.

"YES, RUKIA COME SIT OVER HERE." Rukia looked to the right to see Sarada waving at her, Rukia giggled and ran up the stairs and gave Sarada a big hug. "Oh my Kami I haven't see you in AGES!" They both giggled as they sit down, Rukia in the middle with Sarada on her left and Chocho on her right.

Byakuya looked at the top left where he saw a girl, Blank eyes like a Hyuuga with beautiful long White hair pulled into a ponytail. He looked at her for a second and shrugged, he noticed the seats next to her were empty 'odd.' But nonetheless started walking.

Everyone stared at Byakuya Curious as to where he was going, and who he was going to sit next to. Girls immediately glared at the white hair girl as he sat next to her, since she was all the way into the corner he sat in the middle. Right next to her.

Kenpachi on the other hand didn't know where he was going to sit, he scanned the room and saw that the only seat open was next to Byakuya so he did the same thing and sat down.

Naruto finally went through the classrooms doors and said "Thank you shino, please teach my kits well." Naruto slightly bowed and left with Iruka.

"Lets start class shall we?"


"NARUTO UZUMAKI!!!" Naruto chuckled as he held the bumb in his head. Iruka gave him a nice punch in the head for old times sake. "How dare you leave, tell me that you've been here for about 6 years and not TELL ME THAT YOU HAD KIDS. OR EVEN SEE ME."

Naruto sighed, "Im sorry Iruka-sensei. I forgot plus with all the meetings I've been in, I've never had enough time to catch up with anyone. But I've got that all figured out now, all i need to do is tell my Kids what is going to happen in the future. But that's all." Iruka sighed and said, "At the very least let's go to the ramen shop together please."

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