I Am Not the Villain

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Wow, you all really liked that last chapter. Don't worry, I've already made plans for writing the following six years of school, but I'm going to put other chapters in between them. Mostly because writing Year Two is going so slow, and I somehow got inspiration for this chapter instead. I promise, all of your Hogwarts AU questions will be answered in the next chapter!

Okay, so this chapter is actually a really late request. I had plans on writing a Teen Titan's chapter instead of this, at least at first, but it never worked out for me for some reason. Then, I randomly wrote a possible start while I was at work, and what I wanted to be a short flashback turned into seven pages of straight Kyoya P.O.V. So, I decided to keep it up. And now we have a full chapter that is almost strictly from Kyoya's point of view. I hope you like it!

Also, I've been asked about whether Jin was a fan of Marvel or DC. Answer: Marvel, but she does like the new Wonder Woman and Justice League movies. Jin dragged Kyoya, Haruhi, and Ranka to Infinity Wars the day it came out and cried like a baby at the end. Afterwards she was on Tumblr for hours, scrolling through the 'Infinity War Spoilers' tag and crying again at all the gifs and theories.

Warnings: Minor Character Deaths

I also borrowed a term from Rick Riordan's Percy Jackson novel, but I couldn't think of a better way to name it.

I was little when it happened. My age not even in the double digits.

Life was simple back then. Probably because I was too small to remember it as anything else, but as far as I was aware we were happy. Me, my parents, and my three older siblings. I had two big brothers and a big sister, who was my favorite.

Which, I should mention, wasn't exactly my big brother's fault. We were being raised in a very masculine-centered household, after all. Even at my young age I was starting to have a harder time expressing my emotions around my family and classmates.

Fuyumi, my big sister, was the exception.

She smiled a lot, that much I remember perfectly. There were also a lot of hugs. And forehead kisses, which I pretended to despise but in secret looked forward too.

I wish I hadn't pretended. Maybe I would've gotten more.

She probably got her sweet nature from our mother, who was also very gentle and soft with her children. When I was very small, many years before the incident, she would come into my room after the maids put me to bed as I was fast asleep. She'd sit at the edge of my mattress and stroke my hair, caressing my cheek with her thumb. Most of the time I just pretended to be asleep.

I wish I'd pretended more.

It's funny, how fast a child can grow up, depending on the circumstances. At the time, there were some kids in my grade who still believed in Santa Claus, while others were already talking about what high school they wanted to go to in 6 or 7 years.

I had been a part of the latter group.

If I'd been in the former... I try not to think about it, but the incident might've broken me beyond repair.

It had been a regular, boring, run-of-the-mill sort of day. A Friday, in the middle of spring. Our gardens were just starting to bloom, and Fuyumi wanted to bake a cake. As I think back on it, I don't quite remember why she wanted to do it in the first place. It wasn't anyone's birthday, and most of our family, myself included, didn't really crave sweets so much. But since it was Fuyumi, and because she had the time, she came up with enough of a reason to bake a cake. Despite the fact that she'd never baked a cake before in her life.

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