Big Brother is a Prince!

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Say goodbye to the old solution of this episode, Jin is makin' waves!

"Hey, Tamaki? Could you come here for a hot second?"

At the sound of his name, the blond host king came running to the changing room, "Yes, Jin? Is there something wrong with your cosplay?"

"Well... I wouldn't exactly call it something wrong, but," Jin Fujioka pushed aside the curtain she'd been changing behind, "Can I request for Kyoya to no longer be allowed to order my cosplay without adult supervision?"

There was a brief pause during which Tamaki stared in disbelief at his classmate's outfit before he was running full speed out into the music room, screaming for his vice president. As his angered shouting echoed through the changing rooms, Jin turned back towards the mirror and cocked her head at the cop cosplay that had been assigned to her.

It wasn't bad, per-say. Just... unexpected. Like, if you knew Jin and you knew what sort of clothes she normally wore, you'd have to do a double-take at her outfit. This situation was actually quite similar to when the twins had given her that black bikini to wear to the beach. It looked good... but what had been the incentive?

"Nēchan? Tamaki is screaming at Kyoya out here. Everything alright? Are you decent?"

Jin tucked the remaining sliver of a cherry jolly rancher to the side of her mouth and mumbled out, "You can come on in, Haru."


At the sound of the door being pushed open again, Jin turned around and spread her hands, "Well?"

Haruhi tilted her head, moving her eyes up and down the "cop" outfit. Working from the bottom up, she noted that Jin had slipped her feet into some black leather boots that went up to her mid-calf. From the lip of her boots to the bottom of her skirt, which started around her mid-thigh, you could see the fishnet stockings that clung tightly to her legs.

The top was a deep blue button down, the buttons stopping right between her breasts cutting the shirt into a deep 'V'. Thankfully there was a little white triangle of fabric that covered up most of her cleavage, but her collarbone was very much visible. And, like icing on a cake, there was a matching blue police cap perched atop of her hair, which now hung in ringlets to the tops of her shoulders. She looked really pretty, but on the other hand-

"Very dominatrix of you, Nēchan."

Jin laughed, reaching up to fiddle with the lip of her hat, "Yeah, I was thinking the same thing! I wonder if there's a riding crop hidden somewhere in the box this came in?"

"Let's not find out!" The two sisters giggled with each other for a while before Haruhi turned back around, "Come on out when you finish, Nēchan! Kyoya-senpai wants to have everything set up a half hour early. That is, if he's still alive once Tamaki-senpai's finished with him."

"Got it!"

Jin turned back to the mirror and pulled experimentally at the white fabric stretched across her chest. Nope, sewn in with the rest of the shirt. The brunette abandoned that project and moved up to her hair. It was cute, sure, but the way the hat was sitting on top of her head made her feel like it was going to fall off any moment. Sighing, Jin pushed it back a little, entertaining the idea of bobby-pinning it in just so she wouldn't have to worry about it.

Honestly, what was Kyoya thinking when he ordered this?

The girl stopped fiddling with the hat.


She watched as her face slowly morphed into a pink-ish color in the mirror and turned away, feeling even more embarrassed now that she knew she actually blushed at the thought of the vice-president. This wasn't exactly what she'd had in mind when she said she wanted to be closer to her classmate. And while that may be the case, she was finding it harder and harder to deny the fact that she really really liked the Ootori boy.

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