He said, She said

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*Rises from the grave* I LIIIIIIIIVE! *Clears throat* So, what did I miss?

I'm so happy you liked the Mafia!AU! I do have sections of a part 2 planned out for those of you wondering, but I have a number of other writing prompts to get through first. Bear with me!

Thank you to Momochan77 for this request! Hope you enjoy!

Disclaimer: N...well. If you really think about it...

Two pairs of footsteps clicked against the sidewalk, accompanied by the occasional swish of a dress skirt or pant legs brushing against each other.

"I hate this thing."

The tall brunet smirked as he gave his companion an amused side eye, "Do I point out the irony of that statement now or later?"

"Shut up." Haruhi tugged at the dress collar, grimacing, "You'd think they'd make the girl's uniform with thinner material considering the summer heat. I'm roasting!"

"It's probably because females run naturally colder than males. Looks like your biology is coming to bite you in the butt."

Haruhi did his best to glare at his older brother, but when Jun turned to face him and stuck out his tongue with the most serious expression he could muster, they both succumbed to laughter. The shorter brunet lightly punched his brother's arm, "You're a jerk, Niichan."

"So you say, little Haru." Jun threw an arm over Haruhi's shoulders, ruffling his hair briefly before letting go. Haruhi let out a number of complaints as he quickly tried to fix his look. With a little assistance, he looked perfectly presentable by the time the brothers walked through Ouran's front gates.

Immediately the other students started whispering, multiple eyes following the sibling's procession across the grounds. Girls cooed as Jun smiled along to whatever Haruhi was saying, letting his little sister talk as much as she needed before offering his own input. The boys were a little less excited, nervously eyeing the tall brunet, all of them well aware of Jun's... protective streak regarding his sister and their friends at the Hostess Club. It was never more nerve wracking than when they were trying to confess their feelings with the scary boy burning a hole through the back of their heads.

Of course, when Jun's roaming eyes landed on the ravenette waiting for him at the front entrance, a large portion of the student body exchanged amused glances. That huge grin wasn't exactly subtle.

"Hey, Kyou-chan!"

The girl smiled back at the boy, trying not to appear too eager as she watched him bound up the steps towards her, "Morning, Jun."

Behind his brother's back, Haruhi rolled his eyes before continuing his way into the school. No doubt the twins were already waiting for him in their classroom. As it was, Jun barely remembered to wave his brother goodbye, still exchanging pleasantries with his classmate.

"So, should we wait for Tami-chan or head straight to class? Your call today."

The girl hummed, "No. She almost made us late the last time she arrived after you and Haruhi. Best not risk it."

"Oh, yeah." Jun rolled his eyes, gesturing for the two of them to walk inside, "What was her excuse again? She couldn't find her mascara?"

"Her favorite mascara, apparently." The two laughed as they continued down the hallway, both of them pretending not to notice the winks and smiles from the other students and simultaneously hoping the other didn't mention them. Kyou didn't know if she should feel encouraged or embarrassed by the blatant amount of support for the potential relationship between her and Jun Fujioka. Or JunKyou to the Fan mobs.

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