Operation Haruhi and Hikaru's First Date!

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Eheheheee... I knew y'all would hate me after that cliffhanger. But to be honest, I only put it there because I knew that this chapter would be up really soon afterwards, so I risked it. Besides, it'll make the first part of this chapter all the more entertaining.

Hiroshi set his box of fruit down on a nearby table before pulling the small brunette girl in front of him into a tight hug, "I haven't seen you since we started high school! How've you been, Haruhi?"

"I'm alright! Nēchan came back from America."

"I know!"

"Oh, right! I forgot your older brother went too." She stepped back from the hug and began leading her friend towards a table. Just as they sat down, they were surrounded by the rest of the Host Club.

"Uh... are these your friends, Haruhi?"

"Oh, yeah. These are Hikaru and Kaoru Hitachiin, they're in my class. That's Tamaki-s... Um, Tamaki Suoh... and Kyoya Ootori, Nēchan's classmates. And those two are Mitsukuni Haninozuka and Takashi Morinozuka, 3rd years. We're all in the same club together at Ouran."

"Your sister, too? Where is Jin, by the way? Is she working?" Before anyone could question the lack of a Senpai added to Jin's name, despite the boy clearly being younger than her, a familiar voice called out from behind them.

"Actually, Jin is right here."

The eight turned around to see Jin walking through the door, cast-free... but trailed by a very tall, blond, glasses-wearing boy who was smiling broadly. Haruhi brightened at the sight of Jin's find.

"Beni! You're here, too!"

The other boy laughed, walking to their table and ruffling Hiroshi's hair, "Did you really think I'd let my little brother out of my sight over summer vacation? He couldn't get rid of me if he tried!"

The brunet rolled his eyes, "Whatever you say, Niichan."

"Wait! Wait, wait, hold on for one second!" The four stopped moving and stared at Tamaki. The blond was pointing towards them with an accusing finger, "Who are these people?"

Jin smiled apologetically, "Oops, sorry guys. This is Hiroshi and Beni Arai, our best friends from public school."

The blond and brunet boy give the hosts identical smiles, "Pleased to meet you!"


Tamaki and the twins were staring at Hiroshi, wondered exactly how close these boys were to the girls. Mori and Honey were regarding Beni, remembering some of Jin's stories about him, but surprised as well because she had failed to mention that her best friend was just as tall as Mori. And Kyoya? He looked like his body had just been chiseled from a marble column.

Jin cleared her throat, "So... do you want to sit and chat?"

*Time Skip*

"Hold on, you're a year older than Jin-chan but you two are still best friends?"

Beni nodded, pulling away from his lemonade straw, "Of course. You two and Jin-chan became close friends when you were kids, didn't you? So you know it's possible. She told me all about you, by the way! Congrats on winning all those tournaments; I actually saw one or two a few years ago. You and Jin-chan are very closely matched, Haninozuka-san. It was an honor to watch you spar."

The small blond blushed at the rush of compliments, "Thank you so much! And you can just call me Honey! We're the same age, after all!"

Jin drifted over with a small tray of dirty dishes. Misuzu-chi had let Haruhi take a little break from work so she could reconnect with her friend, but seeing as how Beni and Jin still talked often, he had asked the older sister to continue keeping the café tidy as she socialized. Jin didn't complain, glad to be given some light activities for her wrist. So now Haruhi and Hiroshi were sitting at a two seater table a few feet away while the others were grouped up by the backyard windows.

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