A Stressful Dance!

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This was another 'thought of a better plot while in the middle of writing the original chapter', but it's pretty good. I thought of it when I realized that the Host Club has yet to see Jin in a dress, and it just escalated.

'Ouran's Summer Baseball Team makes it to Semi Finals!'

Jin smiled and flipped the page, continuing to read the main article of the Ou Spot Newspaper. It had made a surprising comeback just before the first semester had ended, selling out surprisingly quickly considering it's history. Maybe the reason it became popular again was because of the Host Club on the front cover, but that clearly wasn't the case for this edition. As far as Jin had read so far, there hadn't been a single mention of how the Host Club had spent their summer vacation together -though she wondered if Kyoya had yet been approached over a segment for next week's paper- and the stand she had picked this one out of had been nearly empty by the time she got around to it.

Her eyes drifted to the end of the text. Editor- Tomochika Sakyo.

Hm. The corner of Jin's lips twitch in amusement. She had yet to see the 'chief editor's' name in this issue at all, all of the stories reported and edited by Sakyo-san and Ukyo-san. Perhaps the 'editing' involved taking Akira-san's crazy stories and putting the truth back in?

She went to read about the fall sports starting to recruit when her vision was suddenly filled with a blond head of hair and purple eyes.

"Yes, Tama-kun?"

"We need to throw a party. A 'Welcome Back' for our guests!"

Interest piqued, she lowered the newspaper, "Oh, yeah... you guys throw parties too. Haru told me about the last one you did in the spring. But, why are you telling me? Shouldn't you be discussing this with Kyo-kun instead?"

"Not before you say you want a party, too."

"Uh... Why?"

"Because if you're onboard, Kyoya will agree no matter what!"

The brunette snorted softly, but hoped her cheeks weren't flushed, "You really think that would work? Even for something as sudden as this? I think you're over exaggerating the impact of my input."

The boy winked, "Watch."

Curious, Jin set her paper down on the desk and crossed her arms over it. She watched as Tamaki crept closer to the classroom door, ducking behind other empty desks, lying in wait. Kyoya walked into the room a few moments later, not suspecting a thing. He adjusted his glasses further up his nose before noticing the brown eyes trained on him. A smile graced his lips as he began making his way to her desk.

Only to be tackled after two steps by his crazy best friend.


"Ah! Tamaki!

"Mon ami, we need to throw a 'Welcome Back' party for our guests! Can't you just picture it? Friday night we open the doors to our sad little kittens who are missing their summer vacation and show them a last minute summer bash! And to top it off-"


The blond froze at the cold tone, slowly sliding off his friend and landing on the floor with a 'thump'. He wrapped his arms around the leg of the nearest desk to him and whimpered as Kyoya took his seat. He ducked his head down to the side, propping his school bag up against his desk. The wood shifted and his eyes flickered up to see Jin had taken residence upon his desk once again.

"Good morning."

"Yes it is." The boy leaned back in his chair so he wouldn't strain his neck looking up at her. "How are you?"

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