I Wish I'd Never Been Born!

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This chapter is probably the closest I will ever come to writing angst... which is kinda sad. Oh well. I think this is a good idea anyways. P.S. I totally got it from the end of chapter 22, just FYI.

The first thing she was aware of was the rocking motion of her body. Jin moaned, having been shaken from a pretty decent sleep. Last night a fire had started in one of the apartments at their complex. No one had been hurt, but the Fujioka girls had lost out on good portion of sleep. It had been all Jin could do that day to stay awake enough in class to write down all the homework she would have to do over break. Now she was trying to squeeze in a little bit before hosting hours started and who dareth awaken the beast?

Groaning, the brunette swatted at the hand touching her, "Alright... alright I'm up!" The hand quickly withdrew and she sat up, her long hair falling in front of her face. Jin rubbed at her eyes, trying to get her contacts to stop feeling so uncomfortable, "Is the hosting about to start?"

"Um... yes. Might I ask you, Miss... where did you come from?"

Jin sighed and rolled her shoulders, not really in the proper mood to go along with whatever game Tamaki was playing, "Hey, look, Tamaki... I'm not really in the mood right now, okay? Thanks for waking me up, but please wait until I'm actually awake to start cracking jokes."

"Jokes? Wait a second, how do you know my name?"

Jin's eyes cracked open to peer between her fingers, huffing an un-amused breath into her palms, "Really, Tamaki?"

"Boss? What's the hold up?"

"Wait... who's that?"

Groaning, because of course the twins were behind this, Jin raked her fingers through her hair, trying to untangle it but still not bothering to pull it away from her face, "You guys, too? Isn't there anything I can say to get you to not involve me in whatever game you've recently cooked up?"


"Boss, who is this? Do you know her?"

"No! I don't! I just came around to double check my table and she was sleeping here! She wasn't here two minutes ago and I didn't see her come in!"

"What's going on over there now?"

The brunette's shoulders sagged in relief. Finally. If anyone could make the twins see sense it's Kyoya...

"Oh... who is this?"

Jin's head snapped up, her hair falling away from her face a bit. The four boys were standing in front of her, watching her with confusion. Behind them she could see Honey, Mori, and Haruhi making their way over.

"You guys... are joking, right? I mean, this is some sort of... elaborate prank that you somehow managed to get Kyoya to go along with? Right?"

The hosts looked at each other with rising levels of concern. Jin could pretty much hear her pulse pick up. A stupid but frankly horrific 'What if' began circling in her head, eyes falling almost helplessly on her sister as she joined them.


The other brunette stopped walking forward, her head tilting in curiosity, "Haru? Wait, do I... know you?"

Okay, now this wasn't funny any more. Jin felt her knees begin to shake under her skirt. There was no way that Haruhi would ever agree to a stupid joke like this one.

"Miss? Are you alright? You're looking pale. Would you please tell us your name?" That was the final straw. Seeing Kyoya bent down a little, smiling understandably at her with that freaking fake grin instead of the sincere one she had grown so used to. Nope. She wanted out.

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