Blooper Reel! Part 1

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First Bonus Chapter!

I had a request to do the Blooper Reel, and considering I love bloopers  I've decided to do so.  I had to cut or move around some things since I had to add in my own bloopers and what not, not to mention keeping up with characterization, but I think I did a pretty good job.

"Uh... we're doing what now?"

"Exactly what I just said!"

Renge walked further into Music Room 3, still in the green dress she wore to the Fair. Outside, cars and limousines were pulling away as everyone started to leave. The students of Ouran now had a whole weekend before their next day of classes, and everyone was sure to be talking about the Host Club drama. Said host club was currently trying to change back into their normal clothes when their manager came storming in.

She stopped right in the middle of the room, hands on her hips, and announced, "We're making another movie!"

Jin was the first to move, slowly bringing her hands in front of her chest in a 'T' position, "Time out, Renge... why?"

"Isn't it obvious?" The French girl began twirling around the room, clearly stuck in another fantasy, "Haruhi Fujioka, once thought and beloved by all of Ouran as the newest host, now finally comes clean to everyone as not a boy, but a girl! I need the... *ahem*, I mean, the student body needs the backstory!"

"Hm," Kyoya pulled his black journal out from under his arm, "The sales would definitely increase our budget. Are you thinking of making it more of a... documentary rather than fanservice?"

"Exactly!" Renge began her crazy laugh as the others thought it over.

Jin crossed her arms, shifting her weight onto her left leg, "Hmm... it actually sounds... fun. Getting to relive all of the crazy things that happened." Something tapped at her shoulder and she looked over. It was Haruhi.

"Nēchan, as interesting and helpful as this sounds for the club, and for helping to explain my secret to the rest of the school... I'm not sure how accurate this is going to be."

Jin smiled, "If you forget the fact that I wrote down all of the crazy things that happened to me. Remember how I had to keep a journal when I went to America and send it back to Japan for it to count as a year of school?"


"I kept it up. I have pages of things. And don't forget my memory for details. The only shortcoming I can think of would be for the weeks I wasn't here."

At that, Kyoya looked up from his journal and smirked, "I believe I can help with that. For you see, I kept a short list of the details involving Haruhi's first few weeks of being a host, including the problems that we came across, just in case we encountered similar situations later on."

Jin threw her arms around her boyfriend's shoulders and kissed his cheek as Renge raised a hand in the air, "Pull out your old cosplays and get ready for the camera, boys! Um, and girls! We've got two days to make a movie!"

*Starting Today, You are a Host!*

The curtain behind her moved and Haruhi turned around quickly, struggling to see without her glasses.

"Here, change into this."

"... What is it?"

"A school uniform."

Uniform? "Why?"

Instead of answering like normal people, the twins lunged at her. Four hands were now trying to pull off her sweater and her shoes and whatnot, chanting the word 'change' over and over and over again.

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