Haruhi in Wonderland!

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Hello my lovelies~

Fair warning, this chapter will have shameless KyoJin and I don't regret it for a second! But, unfortunately, it's not real KyoJin, just another realization for a character. It's the lightbulb stuff from the first episode, just spread out a lot.

Hope you enjoy!

"Oh, Jin-chan! Can you come over here for a second?"

The brunette looked away from the bag in front of her, spotting her friend waving frantically from the windows, "Coming, Honey-senpai!" Jin set her bag of cosplay clothes down and walked around the various couches between her and the small blond. It took her only one glance to see why he had called her over.

"Isn't Haru-chan so cute when she's asleep?"


"But the host club's going to start in a while... should we wake her up?"

Jin shook her head, reaching out to stroke her sister's short hair, "Nah. Let's leave her be for a little longer. I bet she's having a good dream." She bent down close to her sister just as the Ouran clock tower struck 3.


Jin pressed a quick kiss to her forehead.


"Sweet dreams, Haru..."



Falling down the rabbit hole...

Let's see what awaits us down below...


Haruhi felt like something was wrong. Her head felt unusually heavy, like someone was pressing down on it. That wasn't to say the feeling was uncomfortable or anything, but it passed in a matter of seconds. Deciding to ignore the odd feeling for the time being, she refocused in on her father's words.

He and a brunette man were chatting at a table placed strategically by a window, giving them a shadow-like appearance from her spot by the door. She rolled her eyes as he brought up how she'd gone through the entire application process by herself, without asking for help. Didn't he realize that he didn't have the free time? Even now he should be sleeping and taking care of his health instead of rambling on with the Dean of her new school.

"Ms. Fujioka?"


Said dean was now staring at her, glasses glinted in such a way she couldn't see his eyes, "Would you mind terribly if your father and I talked in private for a while? You're free to explore the school as you please."


Quickly making her way out of the Dean's office, Haruhi decided she'd try to find her classroom for next year. The last thing she needed to do as an Honor Student was get lost on the first day of school.

You'd think huge schools like these would provide maps for their students. But then again, she thought as she rounded the corner, Hogwarts students don't get them either.

Passing through a hallway that had a full side dedicated to large bay windows, Haruhi took a moment to enjoy the view. The manicured lawn and hedges a story down from her vantage point nearly glistened in the sunlight, like someone had doused them with glitter.




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