The Power Couple's third-wheels!

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Alright, so I've finally caught Wattpad up to From now on, I'll be uploading my chapters as I finish writing them. Which... won't be every day. Sorry.

Pencil lead quietly scratched across a half-filled piece of paper, forming an answer for Haruhi Fujioka's history homework. The girl was quiet as she tried to focus on the questions she was supposed to have answered by tomorrow morning. She felt wired. It was a little past 8:30 at night already, and this was her last bit of homework left, so she figured by 9 o'clock she'd be done. But this was still cutting it close for her.

Haruhi almost went to tell her sister exactly that before she remembered she wasn't speaking to Jin at the moment.

Her older sister was lounging on the couch in their apartment's living room, a paperback book in her right hand. She was on the left side of the piece of furniture, while Haruhi sat at the foot of the right side, her textbooks spread out on the table in the middle of the room. Kyoya was there as well, his lean body taking up the rest of the couch while his head contently rested in his girlfriend's lap, eyes closed as Jin's free hand gently combed through his hair. The girl's Tardis blanket was thrown over Kyoya's lower half, but it was still long enough to drape to the floor for Haruhi to sit on.

The couple was still dressed up from their night out, Jin hadn't even removed her Hufflepuff scarf, which irritated Haruhi to no end. It was almost enough to make her wish that her father would come home early and kick Kyoya out for the night... even though she knew he couldn't.

After their "family outing" at the beginning of the month, when the Fujioka's, Arai's, and the Host Club went to the apple orchard together, Ranka hadn't exactly made it out squeaky clean. Jin had been quick to confront him on how he'd sicced the hosts on her and Kyoya to keep them apart. In her eyes, he had blatantly broken his promise to behave on their outing.

But Ranka claimed he had found a loophole.

"You never mentioned asking the Hosts to step in for me! You only said I couldn't hire anyone! They did it on their own free will."

Haruhi eventually stepped in to offer a compromise, except now she was regretting opening her mouth at all.

Because now, the deal was that while Kyoya still wasn't allowed to stay at the Fujioka's overnight, his curfew of visitation was set as Jin's bedtime. Which she did not have. Meaning that as long as Jin was still awake, Kyoya could remain in the apartment... so long as they kept out of her bedroom and someone else was with them.

"Haru? Did Dad say when he was coming home tonight? I thought he mentioned covering for another employee, but he could've been talking about tomorrow."

Haruhi remained silent.

"Really? Exactly how long are you going to keep this up?"



The shorter girl flipped a page of her textbook.

"Haru, I do not deserve this, and we both know you can't keep this up for much longer."

"Yes, I can!" Haruhi dropped her pencil in frustration, turning around from her spot on the floor to glare at the couple, "How could you do it? How long have we talked about going to see 'Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them'? It was the one movie we were going to see in theaters this whole year! And you went without me!"

"If I may, Haruhi, I was the one who planned to take your sister to that showing, and I made it a surprise so there was little she could do to change it." Kyoya hummed as Jin's fingers continued to scratch pleasantly across his scalp, "There really isn't any reason that you and Jin can't go see the movie yourselves. I paid for Jin's ticket, so she still has any money that she saved up for you two to go on a 'girls night'."

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