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Hi everyone. Oh, geez, I don't even know what to say. Thank you all so much for this amazing adventure. As of this moment, there has been a grand total of 47 reviews/comments from the three sites this story is on about my question regarding the path of Jin Fujioka after this chapter. The most response to any chapter ever, including the very first. I've read them all, compared the votes to my own interests, and have made a decision.

While this chapter in Jin Fujioka's world might be drawing to a close, a new one is most definitely opening. I'm honored to announce that I will be starting another story as this one ends: Big Sister Fujioka: Manga Edition

Besides, someone told me I had to write about Jin until my death. We'll have to see about that, but I'm actually a little nostalgic about having the opportunity to write Jin and Kyoya falling in love all over again. Except... *glances to the left and right* keep your eyes peeled for little bonus chapters I might add to this story, just for fun-zies.

The song I don't mention by name is Yuri on Ice - Single.

*6 years later*

*June 17th*

The faint colors of a spectacular sunset flooded through a nearby window, gently painting the white tiles on the ground in a rainbow spectrum.

Of course, for all of her love of sunsets, Jin couldn't create much interest in the picturesque moment. She was far too invested in staring at the man in front of her, anticipation rolling around in her gut.

At the age of 24, Kyoya Ootori looked even more handsome than the day she had met him. She could hardly believe the man was real sometimes. When she woke up in their apartment every morning, often times she'd just stare at Kyoya's sleeping face beside her and try to convince herself that this was actually reality. Which is why her boyfriend woke up most mornings to find her gazing lovingly at him from her own pillow.

Kyoya licked his lower lip, staring at her like she was his whole universe. Jin was worried that if he kept that up, her heart would swell until it was big enough to crush her lungs, but neither did she ever want him to stop. Silent words were being pelted at her, going on and on about how beautiful she was. She responded as best as she could, making sure that her expressions were obvious, as they had only just started silent two-way conversations. It would never be as fluent as her talks with Haruhi, of course, but it worked for now.

Somewhere in the back of the brunette's mind, she knew that her father and a few other family members were watching them closely, not daring to speak or otherwise break the moment. Her sister and the other host club boys were standing a little closer to extend support, but the moment still gave them the feeling of being completely alone as they waited.

Said waiting was pure agony, but Jin endured.

The moment was close now, she could feel it, even though she couldn't hear anything over the roar of the blood in her ears. Her hands were shaking slightly. Kyoya's eyes sparkled behind his glasses; he must feel it, too.

Jin thought about her last name. It was probably a strange thing to think about, considering the time and place, but she did. Fujioka. That name would die out once she, Haruhi, and perhaps even Eiko were married. Did that bother her father? Or would he be more happy that his daughters were married and in love? She thought the latter was more likely.

He didn't seem to be willing to let that happen earlier than he was comfortable with, however. Jin had overheard somewhere that her father had forbidden Kyoya to even ask for permission to marry her until they were both graduated from University, and definitely not before they got their first jobs. It was one of his "conditions" for giving Kyoya his blessing.

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