The Fujioka's Past!

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Let's give Jin Fujioka her own damn flashback, yeah? I know you guys wanted to see Jin kicking Ritsu's ass, but I'll gotta save something for the episode chapter, right? Hope you like this one, anyways!

"Jin-chan? Wake up, sleepyhead. Your daddy's here."

"Mmmm... Uh, ba." Pudgy hands wiped clumsily at tired eyes, little Jin Fujioka letting out a really big yawn. And no surprise; it was almost four in the morning!

Maaya Inoue smiled softly as the little girl slowly woke up. Jin was so cute! When her neighbors had asked if she could babysit their daughter at the last minute sometime yesterday afternoon, she hadn't been able to refuse. And besides, Jin was a sweet child. Babysitting the little cutie wasn't even hard to do, and it only made Maaya more excited about starting a family of her own...

When the little girl's big brown eyes opened fully, she offered a happy smile and babbled nonsense, reaching out for her father who had just caught her attention. Ranka rushed over and scooped Jin up out of the temporary bassinet, hugging his daughter close.

"Were you a good girl for Inoue-san?"

"Bababababaa..." Jin grabbed the tip of her father's nose, like it was the most interesting thing in the world. The man merely grinned wider before turning back to his neighbor.

"Thank you so much for this. I'll be back later today to get the bassinet."

"It was no trouble, Fujioka-san! Jin's a delight!"

"Isn't she though?" Ranka poked at the girl's belly, making her laugh a little before it morphed into another yawn. Suddenly tired, Jin snuggled her face into her father's chest, probably about to fall back asleep. The action was so cute, Ranka felt like his heart might explode. Even at four o'clock in the morning, this was turning out to be a perfect day.

Cheeks beginning to hurt from how big his grin was, Ranka nodded once more to his neighbor before he walked out of the apartment. He got a few steps away before a soft voice called out behind him, "Happy birthday, Jin-chan!"

In the darkness of the early morning, Ranka couldn't see his daughter from her spot against his chest, but did feel her shift a little at the sound of her name. He kissed her brow and whispered his own happy birthday. He'd have to see if the hospital allowed for birthday cakes in their rooms. There was no way he was going to let his daughter experience her first birthday without an actual cake to celebrate!

The train ride to the hospital was quiet and smooth. A few random train-goers cooed over the sleeping girl with her father, but Ranka was too excited and nervous to pay them much attention. He hadn't gotten a single phone call in the half hour he'd been away, but it was still nerve-wracking to leave his wife all alone at the hospital for such a long time. As for the excitement part...

Walking through the whitewashed halls of the Tokyo hospital, Ranka gently woke his daughter once again. She whined a little, but still blinked her cute eyes up at her father in expectation. It was times like these that the man really appreciated being gifted with such a perfect child. Even at just one year old, he could tell Jin would be an amazing person. And that wasn't just because she was his daughter! She was a really pleasant child to be around. Rarely cranky, rhythm oriented, and fairly advanced for such a young age. There was a certain intelligence that shone in her eyes when people spoke to her. Enough so that her father was one of the few family members who still used 'baby-talk' when they doted over her.

The little girl let out another big yawn just as her father opened up one of the many doors in the hallway. The room was quiet and softly lit, the gentle sound of a heartbeat monitor in the corner almost lulling Jin back to sleep.

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