Through the Window

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I couldn't focus on any other story until I wrote this out... and since I'm supposed to be working on a paper for my Lit. Analysis class, I figured I should write this out quickly. Also, I've been listening to the soundtrack for 'The Greatest Showman' and I'm shook. Highly recommend. 10/10. Hell yes, Hugh Jackman.


Disclaimer: Um... if I change the characters from the very beginning... does that make them mine? No? Fair enough.

Kyoya had waited until he could hear his father's heavy snores before daring to move. As quiet as possible the seven-year-old rolled over in his bed, from his back to his stomach. Reaching beneath his pillow, he pulled out a book and a flashlight. Casting another nervous glance to his door, he flicked the light on.

Immediately he opened the book and began to read, a smile spreading across his face. Hours passed without sound or incident as Kyoya read late into the night. Even when his eyelids started to droop from how tired the boy was, he persisted. He couldn't stop now! He was just getting to the good part! Yet a small voice inside his head told him he should sleep. He'd already fallen asleep in class a few times already, and if he continued his mother would get suspicious... But neither did he care very much. His lessons were boring anyways.

Even so, eventually, he started to get too tired to continue. Yawning widely, he reached the end of the chapter. His eyes trailed over the tempting title of the next page even as his eyelids fluttered in exhaustion.

Maybe... just one more...

Something creaked.

A soft yelp escaped the little boy as he abruptly shoved his book and flashlight underneath his pillow, eyes instantly wide open and glued to his bedroom door. But the empty space along the bottom remained dark.

For a moment, Kyoya wondered if he had imagined the noise. His overactive imagination getting the best of him late at night in a dark house... Sighing, he clicked the flashlight off and went to put both it and the book on his nightstand-

A shadow darted across his window curtains.

Gasping, Kyoya pulled his arms close to his body, staring at the dark shape in fear. It waved from side to side for a brief moment before sinking down, vanishing soon after.

His curiosity getting the better of him, Kyoya slowly slipped his way out of bed, leaving his book and flashlight behind. He shivered as his bare feet came into contact with the cold wood floor, quickly padding to the window on his tiptoes while his hand dragged along the nightstand. He didn't want to bump into it and wake up his parents or brothers or sister. They'd come up and tell him to go to bed, and then how'd he find out what made that shadow?

Finally making his way to the window, he carefully pushed the curtains out of the way and pressed a finger to the shades. Slowly, he pulled down and peeked through.

It's not as dark outside as he thought it would be. It must be close to midnight by now, but he could easily see what was going on outside, a combination of moonlight and the streetlamp that was between his house and the one next door, which Kyoya's bedroom was pointed at.

Which made it really easy to see the little brown-haired girl sitting on the roof next door.

Kyoya's curiosity increased 10-fold. The house next door had once belonged to a family of three until the son graduated from college and his parents moved out to find a smaller house. The new family had moved into the two story only a few days ago. Kyoya knew his mother had gone over with a plate of cookies just this morning, but he had yet to meet the father and his two little girls. He hadn't realized that one of the girls would be around his age.

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