Jungle Pool SOS!

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Water gently lapped at sandy colored cement. The sun beat down warmly, palm trees thankfully providing a few dotted areas of shade. Tropical birds chirped in said trees while insects buzzed all around. Haruhi's eyes roamed the beautiful scenery, confusion flickering in them. She glanced up at her sister, but Jin looked just as awestruck as she was.

Tamaki slipped up behind the two and lay a hand on Haruhi's covered shoulder, "Behold, Haruhi! Bask in the beauty of the tropics!"

"Yeah, it's nice. Where's the exit?" Haruhi glanced around as best as she could while simultaneously holding onto Jin's arm to keep her from wandering away. Tamaki chuckled and sat down in a nearby lawn chair, hefting a tropical looking drink up and deftly sticking a straw between the ice cubes.

"Oh, Haruhi, always the downer. Try to enjoy this little vacation while we're on it! Maybe relax."

Haruhi rolled her eyes, securing her grip on her sister's arm, "Personally, I think this is a big waste of time. Nēchan and I should be studying right now, not to mention all the laundry waiting to be done at home!"

She snapped her fingers close to Jin's ear, making the taller girl shake her head as if coming out of a trance. She tried to remember all the events that had lead her up to this situation, wondering if someone had already told her where she was, but nothing turned up. She recalled walking with her sister near the south entrance around 3:30. They had just seen the sign on the Music Room doors that said the host club had been cancelled for the day...


Just as the sisters exited the school grounds, the twins zipped up to Haruhi's side and looped their arms under her armpits. Jin rolled her eyes and smiled slightly. Let it never be said that being in the host club was boring. She attempted to move forward and free her sister, but quickly found herself in Mori-senpai's grip, her arms pinned to her side. Uh, okay? So... this wasn't just normal teasing then.




A limo rolled up in front of the five students and the back window lowered, revealing Tamaki with a... flower lei around his neck? The sisters exchanged a glance.

What's with the flower lei?

More than that, what's with us being targets?

Tamaki eyed the five members of his club, "Good work. Advance to stage two."

"Roger." The blond smirked and rolled his window up again.

The boys ignored the girl's cries as they were carried to two other awaiting limos. Haruhi disappeared into the one with the twins while Jin was carefully placed into the other, Honey smiling and giggling as his friend was sat down beside him.

"I bet we surprised you, huh, Jin-chan?"

"Yeah... yeah you could say that."

*End Flashback*

"Hey, this might sound like a stupid question, but where are we?"

"This place is a brand new theme park that my family, the Ootori Group, runs. It's called the 'Tropical Aqua Garden'."

"I don't understand, I thought that the Ootori Group ran hospitals?"

"And that they're focused mainly in the medical business?"

Kyoya smirked, "Yes, but my family likes to diversify and try different things. Besides, this place could be classified as a healing facility... to an extent." He drilled his gaze into the tall brunette who was still looking around the park, though the light glaze that had settled over her eyes earlier was now dispersed.

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