࿏☆Admit It~☆࿏

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⋆[Summary: You and Juuzou used to be partners. That was, until your alleged death. Maybe it's time to finally tell him that you're still alive and well?]

⋆[Warnings: None!]

⋆[Notes: 1st person POV]


『 I whistled an intricate tune as I casually skipped down the darkening streets of Tokyo. I completely ignored the curious and sometimes frightened stares and glances of the ordinary civilians that I passed. 

Not like they would understand what's going on anyway.

I begin to take interest in the brightly lit stores and boutiques around me that have yet to close. I skip over to the front of one of the small bakeries getting ready to shut down for the night, admiring the freshly baked goods in the window. Just staring at the brightly colored sweets made my mouth water. I continued to admire them from a not-so-far far until a girlish scream made me look up. I lock eyes with a young employee of the shop, probably just finishing her night shift. It seems I have shocked her. Not my fault she was standing by the window, blocking some of the precious sweets form view.

 I give her an innocent smile and a wave. She hesitantly lifts her hand to return the wave. I give her yet another smile before turning back down the street in the opposite direction I came, skipping toward my destination.

Once I reach the dark alley I was looking for I step inside, leaning against the brick wall. I look up at the flickering street light above the entrance to the nearest alley. I smile to myself, knowing that I had just the right amount of shadow to keep me hidden from my target.


"What's taking him so long? I feel like I've been waiting foreveeeeeeer," I groan impatiently. 

I've most likely only been standing here for a few minutes, but I'm certainly not big on waiting. Not. In. The. Least. I groan a little quieter this time until I hear footsteps coming from around the corner. I perk up at the sound, hopeful about who it could be. And sure enough, I was right.

 I look up just in time to see the young investigator walk right passed the alley way, humming a soft tune. He's changed since the last time I've seen him. Well, at least since he last knew I saw him. He had dyed his beautiful white hair a dark black and his outfit seemed to match, color wise. All except for his red and yellow suspenders and the pattern of the red hair pins he uses to keep his bangs out of his face. He still looked so cute, and he was walking with a little bit of a skip in his step, meaning he was in a particularly good mood today.

How would I know all of this, you ask? Well, it's only natural that I know so much about my partner. I mean, sure, maybe he's believed that I've been dead for three years, but I never really died.

The day of the Owl mission, I was wounded badly. So badly in fact, that when I was captured by the Aogiri Tree for interrogation, they had to give me a prosthetic for my leg. I still think it's one of the coolest things that I ever gotten to be honest.

Anyway, after a little while of 'interrogation', I had gotten bored and decided that it was time to escape so after a night or two of planning my route and confirming time shifts for the guards and such, I was able to escape. Easy. Not without running into a guard or few, but after gleefully taking care of them, I was on my way.

Ever since then I've tried to find my way back, but that part was far harder then I thought it'd be. I had gotten lost and I had stayed lost for almost 3 years. After making a few friends who helped me find my way back, I was able to see my white haired partner again, only to see he no longer had white hair.

Juuzou x Reader OneshotsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ