࿏☆Stupid Little Smile☆࿏

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⋆[Summary: You're having the worst day you could possibly imagine! Luckily, Juuzou knows just how to cheer your up.]

⋆[Warnings: none!]

⋆[Notes: implied female!reader]


『 Everything was going wrong today.




To start off, you woke up late thanks to your alarm clock mysteriously turning off even after you knew you had set it. You'd checked it at least five times before bed too! As if you weren't late enough, you had to rush out to work in a half ironed dress blouse, running your fingers through your hair and almost tripping multiple times in your heels as you boarded the train you usually took to work.

    Then, after about fifteen minutes on the train, it stopped for around twenty minutes to have repairs done.


     Those events alone caused you to be a little over an hour late to work once you finally did arrive.

    And to top today off, your boss was in the worse mood that you had ever seem them in before. They then greeted you with snarl and proceeded to yell at you for five minutes before they led you to a meeting that was supposed to end forty-five minutes ago.

    The meeting was horrible by the way. No one had the right information and of course that only made your boss even more irate.

Lucky you.

      Afterwards, you were bombed with over twenty different sets of paperwork that needed to be filled out by the end of the day. You probably wouldn't have been able to finish them tomorrow if you had gotten them yesterday.

     You had to miss lunch due to the paperwork. Therefore, you hadn't eaten all day and when you don't eat people have noticed that you have a tendency to either get really tired, really cranky, or both.

     After you had finished about five sets of the paperwork, a truck showed up to you office to deliver a package. The driver was in such a hurry himself that he had backed up into the telephone pole outside of your building before driving off. Not only did the pole fall on top of a co-workers car (which really pissed them off btw), but that also happened to be the telephone pole that the transformer for your office firm was attached to which caused all power to shut off, completely erasing everything that you had spent the past four hours working on. And of course while you were so focused on completing and submitting the paperwork on time, you had forgotten to save all of it. Now, you'd would have to start all over again!

    The rest of the afternoon was simply chaos. People had even gotten into arguments. One even escalated into a fistfight which happen to take place right outside of you cubical, causing the cheap, fiberglass wall to fall over, landing on your desk and shattering. You did get a few small cuts and scratches, but one shard actually succeeded in embedding itself into your hand. You rushed to the bathroom in an attempt to nurse the wound, only to realize that the bathrooms were out of order.

    You then made your way to the cafeteria too buy a bottle of water and to grab some napkins and something to bind your hand with.

    Afterwards, you returned to your desk, only to realize that your office had been completely trashed by the people fighting earlier. You then heard shouting down the hall and turned just in time to watch your boss storm passed you and out of the doorway. You then turned around, just about done with work for the day (or week for that matter), only to run into the office newbie who happened to be carrying an armful's worth of fresh coffee.

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