࿏☆Close Call [Part 2]☆࿏

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⋆[Summary: You decide to apologize to Juuzou after hurting him during your fight. You're not sure why but... perhaps it ended up being worth it.]

⋆[Warnings: none!]


『 "Flowers and... chocolate? Yeah, humans like chocolate right? But what type? Uh... white? Milk? Dark? I have no idea! What am I even doing?" You threw your hands into the air in frustration, almost dropping the bouquet of carefully selected flower that you spent way too much time choosing in your opinion.

"I wouldn't even be in this situation in the first place if I hadn't been so reckless..." You sigh and take a seat on the wooden bench behind you. "Or if I'd just killed him-" You brain stops you from finishing that sentence for some reason. You rest you head in your hands before taking a deep breath and looking up. You could see the hospital from where you sat. The buildings was pretty hard to miss anyway, for it was the largest one in the area, towering above all the others.

'Why do I feel so bad for this?'  You ask yourself. 'It was only a fight, and I accepted his challenge so why do I feel... guilty?'  You still weren't fully sure yourself. Maybe it was become you almost liked something about him? Maybe it was his playfulness or maybe that nasty look in his eye when he threatened you or perhaps that sweet smile of his that seemed to make everything else just melt away-

'NO! No, (y/n). You are not going to think that. Especially about an investigator!' You shudder, wondering what came over you before you stand up.

'Variety. Hope he likes having choices.' You roll your eyes and grunt, picking up a heart-shaped box of chocolates and putting them on the counter of the little open shop on the corner of the street. The place honestly reminded you more of a newspaper stand than anything.

"Ooh, special person, dearie?" The old woman behind the counter smiles at you while scanning the chocolates.

You blush, suddenly putting two and two together. 'Why did I have to pick the one shaped like a heart...'

"Ah, no actually... just a... friend." You nervously smile back at her, trying to hide your blush.

"Mhmm..." She gives you a knowing smile along with the box. You reach inside your pocket and hand her the money.

"That's what they all say." She gives you a dreamy look and find yourself glancing to the side.

"Thank you. Keep the change." You mumble before starting down the street to the hospital.


'Yeah, why did I think this was a good idea again?' you shift back and forth on your feet, suddenly second guessing yourself.

'Yeah, let's go visit the person you almost tried to kill, who might not even want to see you in the first place. We can bring him chocolates and flowers and sing songs together in a place surrounded by other humans and we can all be happy.' you scold yourself for not thinking this through just before a group of investigators walk past you and into the building.

'Great... great thinking, (y/n)., you groan.

"Coming in?" A voice asks you. You look up to see one of the doves holding the door open for you. You gasp.

"Your hands look a little full." He laughs, studying your hands with a smile.

You look down to see he was gesturing to the bouquet of white lilies in one of your hands, and the box of chocolates in the other.

Juuzou x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now