"Please Riley! I didn't want it to go this way!" He stepped towards me and Harry growled at him.

"No! You have to go-"

"Why?" His voice was soft and hurt.

"-because even if I did take you back I'm leaving." It just slipped out, I hadn't meant to tell him. My dad got promoted to a bigger, better job in a werewolf only town where there weren't any humans. It was a eleven hour flight from here. At first we were going to stay here for the pack and our mates but with the whole Brad story, he accepted. He said it was time to start over. Carly was coming with us and hopefully the twins would find their mates in the new pack.

"But you can't leave, you just got here," Brad muttered. "You mean too much to me."

"I have to leave, Xavier knows I'm here. I'm a threat to your pack."

"It's our pack, and I'll protect you-" I shook my head, cutting him off.

"Just go," I replied quietly, and slowly closed the the door, tears falling down my face freely.


"Riley hurry up!" A voice screeched at me from downstairs. Throwing my last piece of clothing into my suitcase I pushed it to the door. Turning around almost made me cry. I was saying goodbye to my brand new room yet it felt like I'd lived in it for ages. I clicked off the lights and closed my door slowly. I walked down the passage, for what would be the last time, and down the stairs. I rubbed the lone tear from my eye as I exited the new old house.

Sure it was nothing special but it was home. Seeing Harry made me smile a little, he gave me a hug and took my bags. I know I hadn't known him for a long time but he was one of my only friends. The weather matches my mood; miserable. Alex and Nate wanted to be there but we're stuck with family problems. I chucked my bags into the car and gave Harry one last hug. "Promise to call once you land safely," Harry said, giving me one last squeeze before letting go.

"I promise," I whispered before climbing into the car. We pulled out of the driveway, the whole family silent, as we drove off, Harry growing smaller as we moved on.

"Oh you'll love the new house! And also the pack there too!" My mother rambled on about the place until I blocked out her voice. The whole way to the airport I just stared out the window, tears going by unnoticed. It wasn't like me to grow so attached to people like Harry, Alex or Nate as my family moves around a lot.

The drive was short and we soon arrived. Hauling our bags out the back as we entered the airport. We got our bags wrapped in plastic and stood by, waiting to leave as time seemed to drag by. Conversation arose between my family but I just stared at my limp hands laying in my lap.

All conversation between my family died down and I looked up to see them staring off behind me. I turned slowly before seeing a man walking towards us with a large bouquet of flowers. It took up all the space in his arms and I couldn't see his face.

As he got closer I caught his scent. Springing up from my chair I ran to the bathroom. My family called out behind me but I ignored them, just wanting to get away from Brad. I can't believe he showed up, obviously he knew what reaction he would evoke out of me. Maybe he hoped I would be so sad to see him that I would stay. Some part of me wanted to but I couldn't go through all that again. Part of me wanted him to come after me but the other wanted him to leave like I had told him too. I had rejected him yet for some reason he still came back.

It's because he loves you, my mind whispered. I wiped away my tears as I stared into the mirror of the bathroom. I heard the door open and close but didn't look up. "I don't want to talk about it mom." I spoke out. Silence followed as feet shuffled closer. "I said I don't-"

"I'm not here for that," a voice I wasn't expecting, cut in. I looked up quickly and was shocked at who stood there.

"B-but you're dead! Brad told me he killed you!" My eyes grew wide and I backed up against the wall. She stalked towards me slowly, my eyes darting to the exit. She was bigger than me and I could never take her down alone.

"Sorry to disappoint but I wasn't ready to die." Chelsea's smile grew wicked and she lunged towards me. She tried to wrap her hands around my throat but I had ducked and she hit the wall. I crawled away and looked back towards her. She had a murderous look on her face and her eyes grew black. She ran towards me and shoved me back, my back hitting the wall. Dots sprang across my vision as I tried to catch my breath.

I slumped to the ground as she approached me, stalking me like a cat. She wrapped one hand around my throat and pulled me off the floor, my feet hanging and inch off the ground. "You're a little bitch," she hissed. "I was supposed to be his! I was born to be a Luna, Brad will give me his pack if it's the last thin he does!" her grip tightened as I scratched at her hands. "I was supposed to make my dad proud, for the first time in my life I was supposed to see him smile! I-"

"Please! I can't breathe-"

The pressure around my neck was released as she dropped me to the floor, legs crumpling underneath me as I gasped in air. I breathed in deeply, knowing I would have bruises on my neck, and looked up. There was Brad, holding Chelsea up like she had held me seconds ago. Both of his hands were around her neck. "I'm sorry I didn't kill you properly the first time," was all he muttered as he snapped her neck and tossed her aside. "I'll get someone to sort that out..." He muttered, running a hand through his hair.

He stumbled towards me and pulled me into his arms. I cried into his chest as he held me tight. All my emotions flowed freely, what was I thinking? I couldn't leave my mate, the one person who was destined for me. The feelings I had when he held me weren't a made up thing, especially not the emotions in his eyes.

"But why d-did you coming back? I was a bitch to you, I rejected you." I whispered to Brad, looking into his eyes. He stayed silent for a long while, just looking at me. Was he going to say anything? Perhaps he was just going to leave me here. Maybe he just saved me because if I died he (being my mate) would feel incredible pain and sorrow.

After a heart shattering silence, he finally spoke. "You may have stopped caring but I didn't. I will always be here for you, no matter what. Forever and always." His eyes spoke the truth. I was stupid to have doubted him all along. I placed a hand on his cheek, rubbing away a lone tear on his cheek.

"That girl, at school, I was shouting at her. She's a rogue and was threatening our secret, she was going to expose us."

"What happened?"

"We solved the problem." I nodded, looking down at my feet until he placed a hand under my chin, tilting my fave up to look at him. Our faces inched together slowly, lips just a fraction apart, "Riley I-"

The door to the bathroom was shoved open and a old lady shuffled in, ruining the moment. She gave Brad a dirty look before closing the door and leaving the way she had come, probably to tell security that a guy was in the girls bathroom. "Let's go before she comes back and hits me with her purse," Brad joked as he pulled me off the floor. He wrapped his arm around my waist as we left and joined my parents. They looked worried and quickly pulled me out of Brad's arms.

"Mom, dad it's fine. Everything is alright." I muttered as the fussed over me, looking warily at Brad.

"Yeah well the bruises on your neck say otherwise, what happened in there?" My mom asked as she touched my neck. I flinched as she applied pressure. I shook my head, rubbing a hand gently over my neck as the bruises slowly healed.

Brad's grip tightened as he told them what had happened, eyes going black with anger. They all looked at us shocked, before a crackly voice drew their attention.

"Flight 202 you may now board." A ladies voice echoed over the speakers, grabbing my family's attention.

"That's us," my dad grimly sighed. He grabbed his suitcase handle and looked at me. "So what are you going to do kid? He's your mate so you can choose. You either come with us or stay."

"Please stay," Brad begged. "I can't lose you again. You can live in the pack house. Just please stay!" He whispered slowly. His voice was full of sadness. I looked back and forth at the people who loved me, knowing I had to make a decision.

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