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When Hoseok woke up, Yoongi was still sleeping. No surprise.

He got out of bed and got ready. He barely noticed, it was still dark outside, as he walked out into the cool air.

He didn't know, where he was going. He was just walking, wherever his feet would lead him.

He ended up by Jimin's house of all places. He crawled up the conveniently placed ladder, probably used for his midnight adventures, or possibly to get dead boys walking crawling through his window. Who knows?

Hoseok peeked through the window, looking for Jimin's form. He had thought, it would've been difficult, but the younger was sitting by the beanbag by the window, looking through his phone.

Hoseok didn't even know, what time it was, but he felt, it was probably way to late for the boy to be up, even if it was weekend.

He knocked on the window, and Jimin sprung up, moving to open it, before he realized, it was Hoseok. He hesitantly opened the window.

"Hoseok?" The younger questioned, looking both confused and entertained.

"I don't know, why I'm here, I just am," the elder explained, and Jimin chuckled.

"So, Jungkook hasn't sent you? We were planning to go out tonight," he said.

"Nope, but I guess, I knew, I had to be here." Hoseok smiled. That changed, when he felt something hard hit his butt, and it was not very erotic.

He looked behind him to see Jungkook standing by the ladder, rocks in his hand and grin on his face. The heck?!

Hoseok climbed down the ladder for his own safety. Jimin's head peeked out, a big smile appearing on it, when he spotted Jungkook.

Jimin began climbing down, once Hoseok was completely off the ladder. The orange haired was soon down and in Jungkook's embrace.

The youngest apologized for hitting Hoseok, claiming he hadn't seen the the elder, even though he obviously had. Brat. Hoseok forgave him nonetheless, not wanting trouble.

A few moments after, Taehyung came, looking at Hoseok with an obvious look of confusion. The eldest explained, he just happened to be at the right place at the right time.

They left for their location. Hoseok asked, if it was okay, he had joined them, and they said, it was more than alright.

He noticed, it wasn't the way to the train tracks, but kept quiet. He was curious, as to where they were going.

They seemed to just be walking around with no real location, but Hoseok didn't mind. The others were talking about something, but he didn't try to join, keeping quiet.

That was until, they asked him, what he had been doing at Jimin's house. He told them, he had already told them, he didn't know, but they demanded more.

He sighed and began explaining, how he woke up in the middle of the night and let his feet lead him to wherever. After he had explained that and seen the look on Jimin's face, suggesting something was missing, he seemed to realize, why his feet had lead him to Jimin's place. He had wanted someone to talk to. Why it wasn't Jin, he didn't know.

He then explained to them, what had happened earlier, and they comforted him like the good people they were. He asked for advice, and they tried to help.

"You've just got to prove to him, you won't do it anymore. It's not, like you're still hanging out with us because of him. The same with pink guy, and that other guy," Jungkook suggested, and Hoseok nodded. He just didn't know, how to prove it.

SOPE // College/ Roommate auWhere stories live. Discover now