8) Midnight trip

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Run. Run. Run!

What had Hoseok done to deserve this? Where did he go wrong? This wasn't even his idea. He didn't even do anything.

"I'll fucking kill you!" Yoongi's voice echoed through the halls along with the sounds of running and the curious whispers.

"Yikes, he's aggressive," Chulsoon pointed out, nearly tripping on the carpet.

"And scary," Dongjoo added.

"I told you not to mess with him," Hoseok said.

So how did he end up here, running from his roommate with his two friends?

Well, Chulsoon had gotten the 'great idea' to pull a prank on Hoseok's roommate. Something along the lines of "You say, he doesn't do much or smile often, right? How about we warm him up a little?" Hoseok had immediately told them to not do it. It was a bad idea, they'd get in trouble, and it might mess up the friendship between him and Yoongi.

Despite that, later when he was about to walk into his dormroom, a wet Yoongi came running out after him and his two mischievous friends.

Hoseok didn't know, what they had done, but he definitely didn't have time to think about it. Yoongi ran fast, when he was upset.

Hoseok kept running, Yoongi right behind him. And then it happened. Like something from a cartoon, Chulsoon tripped, followed by Dongjoo, who tripped over him, and at last Hoseok.

It must've looked hilarious to anyone watching, but Hoseok saw his life flash before his eyes.

It didn't take long for Yoongi to pick them up, giving them all a flick to the forehead and a small kick to the butt, followed by a scolding -Something about not messing with seniors, him especially, and water and electricity being dangerous.

Hoseok had a hard time concentrating, the pain on his forehead and butt taking focus.

"Now you rascals, to make sure you've learned your lesson, go clean my part of the room," the elder said, walking back to the room, the others following, too scared to disobey.

They walked into the room, and Hoseok noticed a puddle of water close to Yoongi's computer and bed.

It didn't take long for them to start working. Yoongi left and quickly came back with dry clothes.

Once back, the elder started commanding them around, seemingly entertained, as he laid on his bed, like a king, controlling poor peasants, who had no choice but to obey.

After about an hour of slaving around, they were done, and Yoongi's side of the room looked squeaky clean.

The elder was kind enough to give them a small reward for the good work. One dollar each. So generous.

After that Chulsoon and Dongjoo left, not wanting to have any more to do with Yoongi.

"Just so you know, I told them, they should leave you alone," Hoseok tried to defend.

"Well, your friends, your responsibility." Yoongi shrugged.

"I'm not their babysitter," the younger whined.

"Now you are. Congrats." He pouted, making the elder shake his head and look away, smile obvious on his features.

"But in all honesty, I wasn't mad at you. You seemed very confused. I just decided one more helping hand would be nice." Yoongi said with a grin. Hoseok responded by pouting more.

"Okay, sorry." Not being able to resist the sincere smile on the elder's face, Hoseok accepted the apology.

They talked a little about nothing special. The weather, music, Chulsoon and Dongjoo.

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