10) Guys' night out

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Naturally Yoongi and Hoseok's relationship wasn't quite back to normal, even after the hug and stuff.

The elder had stopped avoiding Hoseok, and that was a start. Their conversations had still been shorter and less frequent than before, and it had still been kind of awkward between them, but after a few weeks, they slowly grew back to normal, except Hoseok's new role of noddle bringer.

He had hoped, that maybe Yoongi would warm up a little, if he gave him noodles. It wasn't that it didn't work, it was just that it was only supposed to be temporary, but he was still buying and bringing noodles.

It was worth it though. It was all worth it for Yoongi. Hoseok would give the elder the world, if he could. How cliché.

But it wasn't really a lie. After the incident post party, where he had nearly lost the elder, he had realized how much, he wanted to be with Yoongi, see him happy, make him happy, be there for him, with him, how his feelings for the mint haired had grown.

The weeks following didn't help. Even if they were awkward with each other, he still got to see Yoongi differently - mostly due to the information Jin had given him.

He had one problem though. He had ignored the highschoolers ever since his talk with Jin. He felt bad for ignoring them, making them wait outside the dorm for a while, making Jimin worry.

But at the same time, he felt bad for going along with them, the gang members, when Yoongi clearly wasn't happy about it and had had bad experiences with it. Hoseok didn't want to be a part of something, that made Yoongi upset.

The thing was, the highschoolers were getting more desperate. They started with casual messages, then spamming the group chat and then everyone number of Hoseok's, they could reach.

That was only his phone. One evening they'd been running around the dorm area, doing stupid shit and annoying many students.

To make matters worse, they'd asked around for Hoseok, so who ended up getting blamed for the teens' harassment? Poor Hoseok of course.

He had quietly scolded them, feeling like a mom at a grocery store, scolding her children for misbehaving.

Once he had scolded them, he had told them, he was busy, and that they should continue on their own or go back home.

Luckily, they accepted that quickly, but they, for some reason, didn't stop spamming him, and he swore, he was going to go crazy, his phone blowing up with notifications.

He started muting their numbers and/ or accounts, blocking what couldn't be muted.

He didn't understand, why they needed him that bad. It was obvious from the group chat, that Jimin was concerned about his lack of communication and all his excuses for not joining them, and as much as it hurt seeing poor, nice Jimin worried, - even if it's through texts - he felt as if, he couldn't tell them his real reasons. It was none of their business anyway, right?

Except for his highschooler problem and the awkwardness with him and Yoongi, it hadn't been that bad.

He had become closer with Jin, spending his free time there, when they both weren't busy, and their roommates were being too busy, or in Jin's case, noisy.

In the weekends, when the elder's roommate wasn't engaging in noisy activities, they would sometimes play videos games at Jin's apartment, Mario cart mostly.

Sometimes the roommate would join in, and Hoseok got to know him a little better, though not much.

Then there was a night, after Yoongi and Hoseok got less awkward, where Jin had decided to invite both of them over for a gaming night. Yoongi hadn't really been interested, but apparently Jin's promise of cooking was enough to make him change his mind.

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