5) Curiosity

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Staying up that late was a mistake. Hoseok had classes kind of early.

He was woken up by that annoying beeping. God, he was going to kill whoever made alarms. He turned off the alarm and slowly crawled out of bed.

He looked over at Yoongi's bed. The elder seemed to still be sleeping. He walked over to the drawer, changing clothes.

He grabbed his toothbrush and toothpaste, going to the bathroom.

He got in and looked around. No Namjoon. Actually close to no one. Oh well. He started brushing his teeth.

After having brushed his teeth without running into some tattooed guy, Hoseok went back to his room with his toothbrush and paste.

He put it back and grabbed his bag. He looked over at Yoongi's bed. The elder was still sleeping. He went out of the room and off to class.

Class was just class. Nothing interesting. He went out for a little walk. He went to a place, that wasn't that populated.

There was almost no one there. One person in a black hoodie with the hood up, was standing against the wall. Were they smoking?

Hoseok contemplated whether or not to go closer. Curiosity got the better of him, and he went closer.

It was a guy, whose body was quite similar Yoongi. Actually, that hoodie looked like Yoongi's. As Hoseok got even closer, there was definitely mint hair sticking out. Did Yoongi smoke? Apparently.

How come Hoseok hadn't noticed, though. Yoongi should reek of smoke, but he didn't. Hoseok wondered why. Maybe the elder did reek, and Hoseok just couldn't smell it.

The guy turned to look at Hoseok, and well, it was definitely Yoongi. He looked surprised, somewhat.. Sad? He seemed to try and hide the cig, though, Hoseok has already seen it.

"H-Hey Hoseok," the elder said.

"Do you smoke?" Maybe Hoseok should've pretended, it didn't happen, kept his mouth shut. He was going to, but he was too curious.

It took a little, before Yoongi answered. "Once in a while.." He looked down at the cigarette in his hand, as he answered. Seemingly blaming the thing.

"Why?" Hoseok's curiosity had already been set free, now it couldn't be stopped.

"I.." The elder bit his lip. "It helps me calm down.." Yoongi actually seemed ashamed for some reason.

"Okay." Hoseok was about to let poor Yoongi alone, when another question came to him.
"Why did you start?"

Yoongi looked to be thinking hard, about how to answer. After about a minute - or at least what felt like one- had passed, the elder answered. "Bad influence."

It made sense, honestly, and it wouldn't be surprising, if Yoongi had been, or was, hanging out with that type of people.

Hoseok's thoughts wandered around, some slipping past his lips. "Like people with tattoos like yours?"

The elder laughed drily. "Yeah, people with tattoos like mine. People, who look like me."

Hoseok felt bad now. He hadn't meant to offend Yoongi in any way.
"I'm sorry, it's just stereotypes and stuff," Hoseok tried to apologize.

"It's fine. I hung out with those people, and heck, if I was any better than them." Yoongi smiled sadly.

"Why did you hang out with them?" Hoseok really couldn't help but ask. He kind of wished, someone would glue his lips together.

"They were my.. 'Friends'.. I didn't really have that many friends at the time, and I was really fond of one of them, but enough about that."

Yoongi obviously didn't want to talk about it more, and Hoseok decided to actually shut up for once.

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