2) Party

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Two days. It had been two day, and Hoseok still hadn't even talked to Yoongi properly. It bothered him. He was usually really good with people, but Yoongi was not easy. Hoseok tried to start a conversation with him, but the mint haired man seemed to try and stop it.

Some of the others in the dorm were throwing a party tonight for everyone on campus, and Hoseok hoped, that Yoongi would go. A less sober Yoongi might be easier to talk to, if he even came and drank, that is.

Hoseok sighed. His mission sounded easier than it was. He looked towards Yoongi, who was sitting on the other side of the room, looking at his computer. He didn't really do much other than that. He only left his desk, when he needed food or sleep, and of course, when he had to get his books.

From what Hoseok had seen, Yoongi was pretty lazy and avoided social interactions. Under his desk, he had a lair of just cupnoodles and instant coffee, and would only leave for how long getting the noodles took. While Yoongi was gone, Hoseok had looked under Yoongi's table and found a rather large bin with just cupnoodle cups and empty instant coffee cans, it was.. somewhat gross. It didn't smell too well either. Coffee and cupnoodles, no thanks. Hoseok was glad, he couldn't smell it on his side of the room.

He sighed again, realizing how hopeless, the thought of Yoongi going to the party would be, despite it being at their dorm.

"I dunno, why you're sighing, but could you do it a little quieter?" Yoongi complained, eyes still on his screen.

"Sorry, sorry," Hoseok apologized, though not too sincerely. Yoongi actually talked to him, or complained but close enough.

"Hey, are you coming to the party later?" He asked Yoongi, deciding this was his chance.

"Why does that matter to you?" Yoongi was now looking at Hoseok, an eyebrow raised.

"Just curious~" Hoseok nervously laughed, scratching the back of his head. It was difficult to describe, but Yoongi had this kind of scary aura around him, constantly making you feel, like you did something wrong, even if you didn't.

Yoongi's features soften slightly. "Well, I am. Are you?" He looked directly at Hoseok, his head slightly tilted. Hoseok's mouth opened slightly in surprise, as he slowly nodded. This was the longest, he had talked to Yoongi yet.

A smile, almost smirk, appeared on Yoongi's face. "Why so surprised? Can't I answer a question?" You could easily tell by his tone, that he was entertained.

"No no no, you just haven't talked that much," That came out more desperate than Hoseok wanted it to be.

Yoongi laughed. He just laughed, and Hoseok for some reason started smiling. This was a new side of Yoongi. He had seen him smile and heard him laugh before - Hoseok assumed, the other was watching youtube - but this was somewhat different.

"I'm sorry for laughing. I just couldn't take your reactions serious," Yoongi slowly stopped laughing, turning to just smiling.

"Don't worry about it. It was pretty stupid." Hoseok was still smiling. "Hey, may I ask, how old you are?" He knew it was random, but he really needed to know, and didn't know, when he would talk to Yoongi like this again.

"Huh? That's random. I'm 19. You?" He wasn't smiling anymore, though he didn't look unhappy either. His eyebrows were raised just slightly, as he asked Hoseok.

"I'm 18." Hoseok replied.

"Guess I'm older than you. Not that I didn't see, that coming." Yoong smiled again, just slightly, more polite than anything.

"Can I go back to this now?" The elder asked, and Hoseok nodded.

Not having anything to do now and there still being several hours until the party, Hoseok looked through his phone.

SOPE // College/ Roommate auOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz