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Taehyung basically dragged Hoseok out, as a few people stared.

Hoseok had no idea, where they were going. To Jimin could be several places. The tracks, Jimin's house, Jungkook's house, Taehyung's house, their school, even though it was probably closed, since it was weekend.

He was dragged outside, trying to keep up with Taehyung's haste.

They walked out of campus and down the street to a small neighbourhood. The houses seemed fairly big and nice, and Hoseok wondered, why he hadn't been there before.

They stopped by a newly painted, white house. It seemed nice and homely, and it made Hoseok miss home, even if his parents' house was a little smaller.

On the door, the name 'Park' was written. There was a small cat chilling in front of it. It appeared to be a calico cat. As much as Hoseok wanted to crouch down and pet it, he didn't have time.

"If his parents ask, you're his friend and go to highschool," Taehyung told him before knocking on the door.

After a few seconds, a kind-looking lady emerged from door. Jimin's mother, most likely.

"Taehyung, I'm not sure, Jimin's wants- who is this?" The lady asked, looking at Hoseok.

He quickly introduced himself, and Jimin's mother smiled. The eye smile, that matched Jimin's, didn't go missed by him.

"Can we please go see Jimin?" Taehyung begged, making himself look cute, despite the fact he was basically towering over the woman.

She sighed and shook her head a bit at herself. "I'll go tell Jimin, you're here. Come inside," she said, walking inside and disappearing upstairs.

Taehyung made sure to loudly thank her, before she disappeared. Then he walked inside and took off his shoes and jacket, Hoseok hesitantly did the same, except he seemed to have forgotten to bring a jacket. Damn.

He looked around the entrance, and what he could see of the living room. It was even more homely inside, pictures of Jimin, his parents and possibly brother scattered around.

Taehyung ran both to the stairs and up, once he had gotten off his outdoor wear. It was almost as if, the anger had disappeared.

Hoseok tried to follow. He didn't miss the sympathetic Mrs. Park threw at him on his way up the stairs. Whether that had to do with Jimin's mood or the overgrown child, Hoseok didn't know.

Taehyung took a deep breath before walking into, what appeared to be Jimin's room. Hoseok followed.

The room was painted a nice baby blue. Hoseok felt, like he was stepping into a teenage girl's room, the room appearing cute and simple, stuffed animals here and there, some drawings, a cutesy beanbag, a few idol posters and a calming color scheme. Except for one corner, where there appeared to be some One Piece figurines.

Jimin was nowhere to be seen though. But Hoseok could only assume the lump under the bedcovers were Jimin.

Taehyung walked over to the bed, gentle shaking said lump. It let out a few whines, showing it was alive.

The younger whispered a few thing, Hoseok couldn't hear. It worked though, as Jimin slowly lifted up the covers, showing himself.

His eyes were red, his cheeks puffy, making it apparent, he had been crying. It also made Hoseok's heart break into a million pieces. Jimin looked so small and miserable, all because of him. No wonder Taehyung has been so mad. He'd be just as mad, if it had been Yoongi.

Hoseok was speechless, almost forgetting he had come to apologize, until Taehyung clear his throat.

"Jimin, I.. Uhh.. I'm sorry about being so rude to you. I was tired, I missed a bus, I had been waiting for, I was cold. I was just angry, and I'm sorry, I projected it onto you," he apologized sincerely, wanting to make this stop, because this was a hurtful sight.

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