4) assignments, friends, ass

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Some days had pasted. It was officially two days into the semester.

Hoseok and Chulsoon were in the dance studios, practicing part of some choreography, they had been given and had to learn Wednesday.

Wednesday was tomorrow. What the heck was the teacher thinking? Hoseok already felt stressed out. Only two days, and he had gotten assignment in almost all his classes. All due to sometime that same week.

Of course, some were easier than others, but it feels like a lot, when you put it together.

Hoseok and Yoongi hadn't talked that much, both being busy.

At least Yoongi had started changing outfits and waking up earlier, though it felt like Yoongi drank a lot more coffee. It was surprising, how the whole room didn't stink of coffee.

On their first day Hoseok noticed something weird. Yoongi had been alright in the morning, but when he came home, he looked sicked. He said classes, had been hard on him, but something felt wrong, and Hoseok couldn't tell what.

Hoseok was also starting to miss his family. He missed being with them, the support, his mother's cooking -generally proper food- the things, that were just there and isn't anymore. It definitely wasn't the same, but at least he had Dongjoo, Chulsoon and Jiwoon, a guy from his dance classes. He supposed, he had Yoongi as well.

Hoseok plumped down somewhere on the floor, and Chulsoon joined him. He was panting hard, a layer of sweat had formed around Hoseok's body, and he felt gross. Gross and oh so exhausted.

He and Chulsoon had been dancing for hours. He grabbed his water, downing whatever was left in it, before laying down on the floor complete.

"Shit, I'm sweating like a fucking pig," Chulsoon complained.

"Then we're two," Hoseok said.

"I need a shower, but I'm too tired to get up." Chulsoon groaned

"You? Tired? There must be something wrong," Hoseok joked, thought it was lacking some energy.

"The world is slowly ending."

They both chuckled. Hoseok stood up, and Chulsoon did as well. They grabbed their stuff and walked back to the dorm together, both very exhausted and in need of a shower.

They got there and immediately showered. There were showers in the bathrooms, and of course, one was for the guys and one for the girls.

Once having showered, they returned to their own rooms.

Inside Hoseok's room, Yoongi was sitting, staring at some assignment.

Hoseok remembered, he had an assignment as well.

He really didn't feel like doing it, but it was due to tomorrow. He was also supposed to study for another class. He was also about to breakdown. He just wanted to dance. Just dance..

He started working on the assignment. It was luckily not too difficult, though it still took him an hour to do.

He looked over at Yoongi. The elder had fallen asleep, his head resting in his arms and facing Hoseok.

It look so cute, Hoseok almost cooed. He wondered, if Yoongi had watched him, since he was facing towards the younger, but Hoseok guessed, he would never know. For as cute as Yoongi was, Hoseok still had to study.

As Hoseok was studying, he heard Yoongi mumbled in his sleep. It wasn't understandable, but Hoseok enjoyed listening to it, as he studied.

Once he was done studying, he looked over to Yoongi, who was still sleeping.

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