11) Hill

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"Well, it all stared, when someone, I was pretty close to, invited me to hang out with their friends," Namjoon started. "It turns out, it wasn't just a normal friend group, it was a gang. I found the activities entertaining, and the people were funny and interesting, or that was my first impression of them. Since I like them and their activities, I decided to actually join."

Hoseok listened intensely, his full attention on Namjoon and his words.

"When I joined, I became an errand boy. I was the person getting everything, they asked. It wasn't, what I had imagine. I had expected to just be able to join and have fun but apparently not. The people, I had found funny and interesting, had turned out to be real assholes. After slaving for the assholes for a few weeks, I bumped into someone, I hadn't seen before. It was this beautiful man, who didn't seem to fit in there. He didn't have the same cruel look at the others, he didn't have piercings wherever possible, he didn't have a single tattoo, he only had some bright mint hair. You have probably already guessed, who in talking about. It was Yoongi," Namjoon continued his explaining.

Hoseok didn't know, how to feel. It was weird to hear this, to hear Yoongi being described like that.

"We got along pretty well. Yoongi was the only one, who didn't treat me like his personal slave. Instead, he talked with me, hung out with me. He was one of the only reasons, I stayed - other than the crazy requirements for leaving. He had one day come to me, unnaturally excited, considering it's Yoongi He had shown me his tattoo, his first. It was the butterfly on his right hand. He had talked about it so excitedly, and because of that, I started getting interested in tattoos too. He's actually the reason, why I have tattoos in the first place. It was probably stupid, really stupid. I don't regret it though. It's just stupid, because I got it, because he thought it was cool, he made it sound so cool, and back then, everything he said was the truth. I actually used to like him. I'm over him now though, don't worry. I have someone else, and he is no longer the same person, as he was back then." Namjoon sighed, looking a little sad.

This was even weirder. Namjoon had actually liked Yoongi? And Yoongi had been the reason Namjoon had gotten his tattoos? This was getting weirder and weirder for Hoseok, and he was feeling more uncomfortable with the topic, though he needed to know more.

"I was expecting to be promoted from mere errand boy, but that never happened. While I was waiting for that, so I could have more fun, I slowly watched Yoongi became more and more tattooed. It did sadden me a little. Someone had ruined his beautiful, milky white skin, but I couldn't complain, since I myself got more tattoos." Namjoon rolled up his sleeve a little, showing his Hoseok some of his other tattoos.

"But then without a word, Yoongi left. I was still stuck in the gang as an errand boy, and I had no one to talk to. The one person, who had introduced me to the gang, was too busy to talk to me. He had gotten a more important, though also more dangerous, role. As time went on, I discovered more and more of the gang's dark side. Drug dealing, stealing, brutal violence, terrible vandalism, etc. So, I finally decided to leave, about two months after Yoongi. The leader forced me to get a tattoo, that said 'Never Mind', when I left, because it was a new requirement. Luckily, it was the only requirement, since I had still only been an errand boy. Then I left, and just walked around on the train tracks, since they were their old 'base'."
Namjoon was about to say more, but was interrupted by Chulsoon's sleep talking.

Both he and Hoseok moved away a little, sitting on the edge of the small hill and looking over the town, that suddenly looked so small.

"I met Yoongi again," Namjoon started."I minded my own business, and then when I started college, I met Yoongi again in one of my classes. Unfortunately, he ignores me, so I haven't had the chance to talk to him. I talked to Seokjin about it. Uhh.. Seokjin is a friend of Yoongi." Hoseok already knew that but oh well. "He explained, that Yoongi wasn't comfortable with his past and with anything, that has to do with the past. So, I kinda understand it. I just wish, he would talk to me again." Namjoon looked towards the train tracks longingly.

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