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A/N: i'm also really sincerely sorry. i made everyone wait a month for a chapter :/

but it's a juicy one so :)

Day 119 PT.1


The two were released, Ryan was moved to live with their grandmother in Oklahoma. And the two had driven back and were now resting. At least Zach was.

Jack on the other hand was panicking. He still had to go to school. He missed a full eight days of being home which was six school days. Only a few more and he'd have to miss graduation. Although it was the very beginning he couldn't afford to miss any more days.

"Jack stop freaking out you're fine." Zach reassured.

"No no no it isn't! We still have to enroll you too, shit!" He dropped his hands and ran to the computer, typing in a website. "Are you an honors student?"

"What do you think?"

"Okay, that's a no," he replied quickly clicking, checking boxes off.


Jack finally had all his supplies in order, and suddenly Zach spoke up.

"Why don't we go out somewhere? We both need a break from the stress we've been having,"

Jack looked over from the sofa seat. "Well where do you want to go?"


"A... playground?" Jack asked as he was dragged over to the kids who looked no older than ten years old.

Zach stopped in his tracks, "Yes and what about it?"

The older looked at the younger as if he was insane, this was so humiliating. He was eighteen. Basically an adult, playing with little kids and a sixteen year old. Jack shouldn't consider Zach a child though, that'd look pretty weird on his part.

The short boy kicked his legs on the swing to make it move as Jack watched from a distance. "Come on! Don't be a bitch and swing with me!"

Mothers started keeping their kids away from Zach because of his swearing, leaving just the two of them and maybe one or two other babies.

The curly headed sighed but smiled because Zach really did get the best of him. He sat on the small seat hung onto the wood above the two and pushed his legs forward.

Right after Zach noticed Jack he started to copy him with a wide smile on his face. The younger let out a squeal while beaming brighter than the sun as the wind blew his hair back.

Jack turned and saw the scene next to him. Zach then jumped off the swing and raced to the monkey bars but the curly haired quickly caught up to him accidentally running into him.

"Jackk" Zach whined and gripped his shoulder while against a pole.

"Sorry sorry sorry," he repeatedly apologized but Zach just laughed.

"I'm joking you're so gullible you know?"

"O-oh sorry,"

"For what?" he laughed, playfully slapping the other on the back. Then climbing up the ladder to the monkey bars but placing his legs on the top. So he was looking out at the road, the buildings, and the cars passing by.

Jack saw how fascinated Zach looked so he went up with him, sitting on the top of the monkey bars.

"Dallas is so different compared to here. Every house looked the same. Rows of a copied version of the one behind it. But here, it's so diverse you know?"

The curly haired boy nodded, seemingly surprised by Zach's sophistication.

"Every building is made differently. You get so much freedom here. I don't ever want to leave here,"

The older turned his head to the brunette. He looked lost. But he didn't know how.


Jack had tried on an old suit he never ended up wearing while Zach found a dress he guessed from his ex.

"Jack I'm not wearing a dress,"

"Come on~ it'll be fun!" Jack whined.

Jack knew there were other suits he never got to wear. But the dress is what he preferred Zach to wear.


"Please wear it? It's just acting!" Jack pleaded jumping up and down.

The brunette groaned and trudged into the bathroom with the red glittery dress.

Minutes later, Zach came out looking miserable. "You're kidding right?" Jack burst into laughter shaking his head.

"Cometh my wife! Give me a kisseth!" The older played around and started to chase Zach who nearly tripped on the dress.

Jack quickly caught up to Zach and grabbed him by the waist, causing him to squeal and hyperventilate in laughter while hitting his arms off. "Kissy!"

Zach wheezed out "No!" as Jack threw him onto the bed. "No kissy," he pouted his bottom lip out. The older reached his hands out and started to tickle Zach on the bed.

In between giggly laughs Zach tried his best to speak but it wasn't exactly working. "P-lease AH st- HAHA," Jack climbed over Zach to get a better angle to tickle at.

"Shut up child,"

"Make me!" Zach retorted while giggling.

So Jack kissed him.

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