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"Don't forget me when you start attending KAIST.", said Jungkook as he kissed my cheek.
"How could I?", I asked fixing his hair. "Do you know how much we've been through last year?"
"Still. Knowing you, you'd probably study until all you can think about is the quantum theory."
"That's not even what I'm studying."
"And what about you, Mr. Judo man. You'll be occupied with fighting all day."
"Yongin University teaches that one must not use their strength for anger."
"Which is the EXACT opposite of what you did all last year."

"You'd think being a couple would end all this bickering.", said Jino walking into the living room.
"That's their charm.", said Sohyun coming in with grocery bags in hand. "Now come help with the rest of these."

"Forget it!", yelled Mina pushing past the front door. "There's no point going back a second time."

Mina had several grocery bags on both of her wrists and two dangling from her pointer fingers. She let out a relieved sigh as she dropped most of the bags on the floor.

"How much food did you guys bring?", I asked picking up the bags Mina dropped.
"Enough to celebrate for a week.", said Jino.
"You guys didn't need to."
"You got into KAIST. How can we pass up the opportunity to pig out?"

"Just accept the kindness, Somin.", said Sohyun. "This is a big deal for you."
"Plus when are we ever gonna get a chance to get piss drunk with just us five?", asked Mina already opening a bottle of Soju.

"This is exactly why Mina and I are friends!", exclaimed Jungkook. "Bottoms up!"

Jungkook placed his lips on the Soju bottle but I grabbed it before he downed the entire thing.

"Are you insane?", I asked. "Think about your liver for a second."
"And there's the party pooper we all missed!", yelled Jungkook pinching my cheek.

"Before any of us start drinking, why don't we actually make the food.", said Jino unpacking the groceries.
"And by 'we', you mean 'you' right?", asked Jungkook. "You are the chef after all."
"True, but wouldn't helping out with your girlfriend's farewell party make her happier?"

"Aw.", I said. "See, Jino gets it."
"Alrighttttt!", yelled Jungkook. "God, I hate it whenever you one up me."

Sohyun patted Jino on the back and laughed.

"You're the only one who gets Jungkook to do anything remotely romantic.", she said. "Good job."

The time passed and we ate and drank for hours. I glanced at the clock that read 2:30 AM.

"Guys we've been at this for a while.", I said yawning. "Why don't we all just rest?"
"We told you, we're gonna celebrate for weeks!", said Mina raising a shot glass. "Congratulationssssss!"
"Oh boy..."

I glanced at Jungkook, whose eyes were barely open.

"Jungkook.", I said waving my hand in front of his face. "Jungkooook."

He held my hand and smiled.

"Congratulations.", he said moving my hand side to side. "I'm gonna miss you a lot."
"I'm only gonna be an hour away.", I said laughing.
"Whaaaaaaatttttt??? This WHOLE time I thought you were leaving me..."
"You're so drunk."
"I am NOT! Youuuuu are."

I placed a kiss on Jungkook's forehead and smiled.

"Idiot.", I said.
"This is SEXUALLLL HARASSMENT.", he yelled. "I will not stand for this innnnnnnjusticeeseses."
"Like you didn't kiss me randomly before."
"Because you wouldn't SHUT UP. THIS. THIS IS A CRIME! And I will not stand for-"

"SHHHH!", yelled Mina. "Jinsoo and Seolhyun are SSSSSLEEPING."

"It's really time for you guys to go to bed.", I said standing up.

I stepped over Jino and Sohyun's passed out bodies to reach the kitchen. I glanced back and Jungkook was nodding off while Mina was quietly humming to herself.

I'm really gonna miss these idiots...

My Delinquent Teacher: BOOK 3 || Jeon Jungkook [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now