"But he is not there," the Monarch pointed out. She waved her hand to the second glass of blood on the table. "Drink."

Mona didn't want to come across as eager. She eyed the Monarch and straightened. "Why am I here?"

The Monarch only watched Mona, waiting for her to take the glass. "You and the rest, see me as heartless and unworthy to lead you all. That is fine. But, you do not know of all the circumstances that forces me to be harsh. It's my duty to protect my vampires as a whole, rather than a few."

"Then, enlighten me."

The Monarch smiled tightly, her lips thinly. "Drink," she said sharp and firmly.

Mona eyed the glass and sneered, snatching it in her hand. "You have yet to answer my question."

"And I am supposed to just, bow to your words?" The Monarch snickered. She waved Mona's question away. There was blank look that pass through her eyes for only a second. It intrigued her how Mona still walked about with a mouth such as hers. So defiant and loud.

Mona took a sip of her blood and it turned into a few large gulps. The Monarch waved for her servant to pour another glass, filled to the top. He stayed, letting Mona finish that and poured again.

The Monarch waved him away, seeing Mona now slow. Mona felt much relief to the blood, and relaxed into the chair. "Are you going to tell me why I am here?"

In a touch that sent chills down Mona's body, the Monarch touched her arm. She smiled, seeing how easily she affected Mona, in the most natural way. "Accompany me into my bed." The Monarch said bluntly, nipping on her inner lip at the thought of drinking from this rude woman.

Mona arm moved out of reach. "I rather not. I am not imperceptive to the many men and women, you sleep with. But I am no whore."

"You only drink them up, in a high collection of dead weight by the end."

"I ended my killings. I drink by law standards." Mona was naive to admit that to the Monarch.

"And do you give yourself to one person? Latham, to be exact. He has always found you to be a sight."

Mona wouldn't answer that. As of the night before, she no longer was going to be shagging him but she wouldn't admit that. He wanted too much from her. It was more than that. He expected her to live and act a certain way. Mona was too high strong and aggressive to be smashed into the delicate flower category. Rather he knew it or not, he was asking her to change. Mona liked who she was and loved drinking from humans and not always a cup of blood.

"I see. He desires to tame you."

In a flash of rage, Mona sneered. "No one, can tame me."

The Monarch waved her hand out, two of her guards ready to pounce on Mona. "And I do not want to tame you. Especially in my bedroom."

"I'm not--"

"If you say, you are not what humans consider gay or homosexual, I will laugh my ass off in a show of mockery." The Monarch pointed her hand against her chest. "I am a woman who likes what she likes. In old society of vampires, there was no worries or judgement of who you took into your bed. We are sexual creatures by nature. It is only the persuasion of other breeds and humans who corrupts our minds into splitting ourselves. Perhaps, it is, you not meeting that special woman."

"Well, I have known you for most of my vampire life. I do not tingle for you," Mona stated, sarcastically.

The Monarch held her index up. "Correction. You have seen and spoke to me. But have never known me. You do not know what motivates me." It bothered the Monarch, being denied by Mona and yet intrigued her. She'd never had anyone deny her before. "The chambers you were shown to earlier will be your new place to rest."

Blue Moon~ Blackwater Series 3Where stories live. Discover now