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I still had the blindfold on me as I felt Jahseh grab my hand as our fingers interlocked with each other. A call came from one of our phones as Jah answered it, but didn't put it on speaker...

"Hello? Yeah, almost. We on our way... No...see you soon."

"Who was that?" Katrina asked as I hanged up the phone and continued to drive to the surprise location.

"No one..." I said as I kissed her hand she seemed excited but still puzzled about where we are going.

"Jah don't lie to me..."

"I'm not lying to you."

"Babe who was it?" She demanded from me which was surprising that started to call me babe since we just got together. I realized the street we were on and pulled into the driveway of the surprises house. She stood there in the doorway waiting for me to open the door to the car and walk Katrina inside the house. Once I cut the car off and opened the door, I unhooked Katrina from the car picking her up and set her down inside the house.

I went behind her and took the blindfold off as she was surprised at who she saw.

"I missed you!" Katrina said as she hugged my mom tightly.

"I missed you too." My mom said hugging her tightly. Katrina has always been welcomed into the family ever since she was little. Our moms always came down to the school and get us out of trouble or figure out what type of trouble we got into.

"How long were you going to keep me from her?" Cleo asked playfully laughing as I responded saying ' not for long; joining in on the hug. We went inside as the doors close shut.

The conversation jumped all over the place, from my time in jail to the things we have done, and to why Cleo wasn't at the concert. She said that she had something important that came up so that's why she didn't attend. All of a sudden I got another flashback of what happened last night

The way Jah held me and even though I was still drunk, I still had the sense of my heart beating fast with ecstasy and affection for him. Everything was hazy after that except when I kissed him and mumbled ' I love you'. It seems too real to be true...

"There she goes again..."

"Huh? Oh, I just zoned out again..." I said tilting my head down looking at the hardwood floor. Cleo laughed it off as we soon got on to a topic that startled me.

"Have you heard...about your mom?" I could hear the worry in her voice as I just nodded my head slowly. It's hard for me not to think about her in a positive manner after out argument

"Where were you?" My mom said turning on the light in my room as I just looked at her...

"Out." I said to her as she got up from my bed and gave me those intense eyes filled with anger and rage

"Where have you been?"

"I don't need to tell you where I been!" I retaliated to her as I left my room as I heard her annoying voice after me

"Uh, yeah you do! You have been gone for three days now and you are just now back home!" She followed me until I walked into the kitchen. I bawled up my fist trying not to hit my mom as she continued on saying things that I didn't care about.

"Listen to me! Do you know you could be in jail right now for running away from home?! Katrina, the school has called here saying you have missed so many days wondering if you are okay! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!" My mom yelled at me as she realized I wasn't paying attention. She touched my shoulder and my arm as it brought back terrible memories...The day my uncle friend touched me, and the day my boyfriend grabbed my shoulder and the exact same arm slinging me to the wall as I hurt my back. I went in the cabinet and pulled out the longest knife I could. All I saw was those two men and the rage that is inside me.

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