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Warning: This chapter contains Suicide and deaths attempts and if you are not into this or you can't read it due to your past please skip to the next chapter. Also sorry for any spellings and grammar mistakes

"Officer Laurance here?" I hear her say as I was relieved that she didn't go on break yet

"Remeber me girly" I asked as I could tell she was smiling

"Yeah...can you move this for a second." I hear her say to someone "You okay?" she ask as I look at my friends' dead cousin laying down in front of me

"Listen I'm calling you out the bunch of cops that I love. Let's be real they all hate me, but I'm calling because you can help me with something. I'm at my friend's cousin house and a murder is what I'm guessing-"

"You are using which phone?"

"House phone."

"Okay Tommy will trace the call to the house and we'll be-"

"Don't let anyone else know where your going."

"How did Jake fall down the stars?! I swear she was supposed to watch him...I'm on my way." She hanged up as I realized why she said that. I started to hear  X tell Phobie a few things to try and calm her down but can tell she wasn't listening.

"I just wanna die..." Phoebe says as she holds a pocket knife close to her wrist

"Listen don't do that."

"Why not...the only person that cares about me is gone now."

"We care about you Phoebe, you got us don't do that shit."X says as I sit by her grabbing her wrist

"Listen to me, if you go...I'm going with you."

"Katrina what the fuck."

"I know what I'm doing X, trust me."

"No the fuck you don't you sound fucking crazy that shit ant worth it"

"Listen...I'll end my life with you, but for now let's get in these last few minutes of our life that we can get okay."

"You sound so damn dumb." I hear Jahseh say as I took the phone and put it on the other side of me smiling so he knows this s just a plan.

"I'll go grab a knife. We'll do it in three minutes" I said as I went into the kitchen and grabbed a smaller knife yet sharper knife to match her. Within two minutes of sitting by her Officer Jenny, Tommy Hall and Jackson Smith came through the door...

"Fast timing..." I said as they looked at Phoebe aiming guns at her and at me thinking we were criminals.

"Guns down boys, She's innocent." I hear Jenny say as she stepped in the door

"How you know?" Officer J. Smith said

"Becuase this one told me the whole story" Jenny said smiling at me

"It's good to see you Katrina." She smiled at me as I did the same

"Same here."

"Yo is that Jenny?" X says as Jenny grab my phone and smiles at X

"Nice to see you too Jahseh. Also if you don't mind I brought my husband along with me." she says looking at me on the second part as a man with dirty blonde hair, dark green eyes with glasses that fir his face, beige shirt, with jeans and a lab coat walked through the door

"Wait! You that guy I almost got three years added to my sentence. I wanted to fight you in the psychiatric cell. Hey Howard!" I said smiling and waving at him. I can honestly say my time there was literally the worst thing that I been through

Blades Away | XXXTENTACTIONWhere stories live. Discover now