Chapter 7 - Attack of the Lady Manager! [Part 1]

Start from the beginning

        “Unfortunately, I don’t have anything right now.” Kyoyan smiled and Hitomi raised an eyebrow.

        “But don’t you make a lot of money from selling items like that…not that I’m okay with guys taking my pictures 24/7.” She sighed.

        “It’s true but the items are poor quality.” He held out four pictures, one with Hitomi in it and they were all blurred, “They were just amateur hidden camera shots. However, if we want to make money…”

        “You’d have to take it from the school?” Hitomi finished and counted in her head, but Honey interrupted her with his entrance.

        “Hito-chan, Hito-chan, I don’t know how but I lost one of my sandals.” He started crying and she walked over to him and smiled.

        “But you were just wearing them, right?” She asked and Mori came in.

        “Mitsukuni,” was all he needed to say when he grabbed Honey’s foot and put on his sandal.

        “Takashi?” Honey inquired.

        “I noticed that you dropped your sandal.” Mori said in his deep monotone voice.

        “Takashi!” Honey cried and hugged Mori who hugged him back. It would’ve been cute but knowing the circumstances…

        “How sweet.” One girl said and Hitomi saw that everyone was crying. Tears must be popular with the ladies today. Hitomi backed up and accidentally bumped into Kaoru and something fell out of his sleeve. Eye drops. Hitomi gave a side glance to him and he smiled.

        “What’s this?” She held it up, irritated and the twins ended up behind her.

        “For your information, it’s common for a Host to use eyedrops.” Kaoru explained first.

        “No woman alive can resist a man on the brink of tears.” Hikaru smiled.

        “Oh no!” Hikaru put his arm around her and put a finger to her face though her expression didn’t change, “Don’t be such a party pooper.”

        “Here, have this.” Kaoru then proceeded to give Hitomi a sweet.

        “For me?” She asked, a curious look on her face, “I’m not a big fan of sweets, but I could give it to Haruhi so she can offer it to her mother.” Hitomi smiled and then Tamaki pushed everyone out of them way.

        “Here, have them all.” He piled more into her hands with more tears in his eyes.

        “Let me guess, the tears are fake.” Hitomi asked bluntly and Tamaki took this as an insult.

        “Only a true Host cries real tears! My tears are all genuine.” He said, another tear falling, “So do I impress you? Have you fallen for me yet?”

        She gave him a blank stare, “You wish.”

        “It seems my romantic overtures are not reaching you. Maybe I should add more.” He looked at her but her eyes were on the door where a girl was standing. She was too scared to come in. She was wearing an Ouran uniform and had light brown hair in a maroon bow.

        “Looks like the Host Club has a brand new guest.” The twins said and went to go greet her, “Come on, what are you waiting for? Watching from afar is no fun.” They both held out roses for her.

        “Stop that, how many times do I have to tell you to be nice to our first-time guests?” Tamaki asked and turned to face her, a rose also in his hand, “Please, you don’t have to be afraid, my princess. I welcome you to the Ouran Host Club.” She put out her hand and slapped him away.

Being The Hosts' Maid (An Ouran Highschool Host Club Fanfic) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now