Chapter 20

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Author's POV

Maps one and two were complete, but they were far from being safe. Sharks, moving platforms above pits of the abyss, and snakes more furious than that of a betrayed king awaited them in the map ahead. The final room of every world had a particular trait that made it especially difficult to complete.

A boss

It had the power to rival Titans, and the defence to stand against the mightest canons.

The foe was strong indeed. Three strikingly white heads devoid of flesh. Teeth of steel, known to cut through meat like a hot knife through butter. A long snake-like body covered like a rose with thorns of iron littered on every side. They continued along until you reached the main body. A flower closed in on itself with a singular spike in its centre.

This enemy is what our five heroes were facing to finally leave the Sea of Trees. . .

Rose's POV

The last room is supposedly the most challenging.

But this is ridiculous. It's a plant, a plant. . .

This is going to be a breeze.

A couple of minutes later

"Ocean, Toon boy, Flames, they're matching your colours!"

"Don't call me that Rose!"

"Don't argue with me, fight!"

It didn't take long for me to realize that this was going to be quite difficult. Link was having trouble to successfully land hits, Flames kept getting hurt and Ocean was being an ocean. You know, going with the flow and waiting for his coloured petal to appear where he was placed. Star didn't have to do anything. He was just staring at the others with a blank face. I could already tell that he was slightly amused by the sight.

I was walking around further in the enclosed area, looking through nearby bushes. I found a couple of hearts and some fairies but refrained from touching them. I'd be better to keep them for the others.

"I wonder how the boys are doing," I thought not bothering to look back and check.

Star's POV

While Rose had left to do Hylia knows what, I kept a close eye on the problem at hand. Ocean had finished long ago giving him a well-earned rest. Link and Flames, on the other hand, couldn't land a hit. It was funny to watch, but time was of the essence, hence my personal entertainment was a luxury we couldn't afford at the moment. I was observing their movements, attempting to find a solution to the current dilemma when it clicked.

When I opened my mouth to speak, the words refused to come. I really didn't want to talk. . . Looking back at them I felt guilty for being quiet. They were covered in various cuts and bite marks. You could see their heavy pants and the sweat dripping from their faces. I had to say something, or they wouldn't last.

"Link, Flames, run counter-clockwise to the plant. It'll be easier for you to slash without fail!"

They didn't question anything and did as I instructed. I watched them get closer and closer to success until it was defeated. It screamed and shrivelled up to its core. It was finally over.


We were all on guard once again. It was back with even more vigour than before. I could feel its stare on me, it was suffocating. I nervously took a step back. If it took this much time to get past its first stage, then this was going to be the end of us

Author's POV

Rose rushed back to them in a hurry. She had heard the beasts bellow in the boast of its strength. She held out her bag to Link and Flames. No longer than a second later had their wounds disappeared. She followed with Ocean, rendering his skin devoid of any scares. In a sudden motion, Star pushed the two bystanders to the side. A small bead, dripping a violaceous liquid was where they once stood.

"Pay attention guys, it's coming back!"

And so they prepared for battle. Together they dodged the spheres on doom that were spat their way. It was all they could do. They swords were pointless, the creature avoided every cut headed its way.

Link ran in every possible direction to find an opening but to no avail. A small glint at the corner of his eye caught his attention. It was another item, a shield. He flew towards the stone monument and grabbed the much-needed element, a shield. He ran back and blocked Rose from being hit by an oncoming sphere. It hit the shield, hard, almost sending the hero stumbling. He firmly held his ground when another shot towards them.

"Flame, Ocean, Star, hurry and get the shields!" he screamed pushing another ball away, "They're at the corners of the area!"

The three boys took off leaving Link and Rose to distract the beast.

"Rose, do you know anything about it? Even the smallest of lead would be of great aid."

"I don't know if this will help but it has this bizarre pattern of moving its heads in a circle, like a clock."

Her words only puzzled him more. A clock? Why make that comparison. What's special about a hunk of metal with gears. . . Wait, a clock has gears and you can wind it. That's it!

"Rose, I figured it out!"

"Please share the news. This thing is getting more aggressive by the minute!" she screamed jumping to the side, "This thing needs to calm down."

"You said it turned like a clock correct?"

"Yes, what of it?"

"We need to find a lever or a crank, something to wind it back to its centre."

She looked at Link astonished, "I can't believe I didn't think of that beforehand. Good job toon boy."


"Not now Rose! Look for that crank."

"Aye aye, Sir Link!"

She dashed head on towards the danger. It didn't take long for her to come back.

"I found two cranks to pull on opposite sides. Star, you go for the one on the left, Ocean, you take the one on the right. Flames and Link, you're on defence and I'll serve as a distraction. You guys got it?"

We all nodded, rushing to our positions. Rose transformed with the earth summoning leaves as a distraction. They lashed in the creature's boneless faces preventing them from reaching our partners.

"Star, Ocean, pull them, quick!" she yelled.

Feet planted firmly in the soil they pulled with all their might. The vivacious plant struggles against the force pulling it back. It pushed harder against the heroes current domination but was brutally wrung back to its core.

No strength was left in its veins, but Star and Ocean kept pulling harder. Its jaw was forced open further to the point that it began to painfully cracking out of place. A flower sprout from its throat matching a hero's apparel, green.

"Link, it's your colour. You must deliver the final blow."

And he did as the maiden ordered. He brought his sword upon the delicate blossom cutting its own access to life. The massive plant withered to ashes revealing a chest.

"I see why it was so aggressive upon cutting its petals," said Star, "That treasure was all it had."

He opened the casket and grabbed the gems, emptying the entirety of the treasure found within the casket. When the lid slammed shut, the ground glowed. Their much-anticipated gate, leading to the exit of the area appeared before them.

Link grabbed the heart container placing it in Rose's bag. He picked her up in his arms and stepped on the glowing pedestal. The others joined on their own shining space and they vanished to the final room. Together they would travel to meet the Great Fairy.

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