Chapter 7

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Rose's POV

Both my sister and Link waited anxiously, their postures on edge, as they listened for my next words. Here goes nothing.

"Tenebris and I have been friends since we met."

Their shock was imminent and very flagrant if I do say so myself.

"How could you possibly be friends with him?! Do you have any idea of the vile and evil actions and the damage he has caused, to not only your people but to me as well ?!" Link exclaimed, horrified and angered.

"You don't know him as I do. So I suggest you remain quiet before you judge him too critically, without knowing the whole story."

My sister said no words in the matter but sat down shaking.

"Then would you care to explain why my shadow would express your arrival to me?" asked Link.

I only looked at the ground as tears started blurring my vision, "A while back, I was travelling with him and he told me that he loved me. Remembering it now still brings tears to my eyes."


We were both sitting close to a river in the Talus Cave, taking a break from my training. My muscles were still sore from the day before and Tenebris had to bring me everywhere. Even when it meant going from my bed to the chair beside the window, he refused to let me walk. It was sweet of him but boy could it get aggravating. As we gazed at the river current, I felt him take hold of my hand. My face burned red on contact, "Why are you holding my hand?"

He smirked, "Wouldn't want your hand to get cold now would we?"

My cheeks flooded with blood, "Then what about my other hand" I replied, "Won't it get cold as well?"

I squealed in surprise as he grabbed hold off my sides and sat me on his lap. My face steamed when he slid his arms around my waist grabbing hold of my hands, "Now I'm sure your hands won't be cold," he laughed.

The peacefulness from the moments slowed down time. His hands slowly massaged mine between his fingers. I froze, "What are you doing Tenebris?"

His head fell in the crook of my neck breathing softly. His warm breath sent a shiver down my spine.

"Rose there is something I want to tell you," he sighed.

"What is it?"

His hand slid to my chin forcing me to lock eyes with him, "Rose, it's been a long time since I've known you right? "

"What are you trying to say?"

He suddenly tightened his grip on me still gently holding me in place, "Haven't you noticed the amount of time I take to help you train?"

I thought for a second. It had been about a day since we trained so I know we wouldn't train today but last time we did nothing for almost a week. By the third day, I was barely sore but he insisted that I took another two days off. Our breaks were seemingly eternal and the training very intense. But if that was the case, then why would he take so much time for me to heal? It doesn't add up.

"You haven't realized, have you, Rose."

My breath caught in my throat, realization seeping in. The affection he's been giving me, his will to care for me at any time of the day, could only mean one thing.

A Rose for the CrownWhere stories live. Discover now