Chapter 19

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Author's POV

"Can you stop wandering around?"

"You don't order me around Bubbles!"


"Flame enough with the bombs already!"

"Don't worry, I'm okay!"

"Where's Star? He was here a moment ago."

"I'm here."

"Rose we found him. Rose?"


"Stop disappearing like that. I get worried you know."


"Flame, why are you still using bombs?!"

"There was a weird dent in the wall."

"I don't know how I'll survive with you."

"I don't know either Bubble."

"Rose look I found another chest."

"Link, come here, Star found a chest. Flame quit playing around with your bombs, and you Ocean, stop bickering with the child."

"Who are you calling a child!?"

"You, now can it and come over here!"

. . .

The amount of noise they made awakened the forest in the quietest nights. From the moment they crossed the portal that sealed the dangers away, they were everything but organized. Let me bring you back to the beginning.


The group of five quickly journeyed to visit King Shinrin. He brought them to the gate where all the dangers of the realm would be revealed.

They crossed the barrier and appeared in a different environment. Rose was the first to advance to the pedestals ahead.

"Guys, look at this."

The four elves all approached and looked at the item in awe.

"Sweet, we get to use bombs!" screamed Flame grabbing one in a flash. The destructive orb wavering in his hands was replaced with a pouch filled with the explosive.

"Wow, this makes it a lot easier to carry around!"

While he gazed at the black wonders in his hands the other planned their way.

"Link, I think we should have at least another person carry the bombs. That'll ensure we have some in the hands of a uhm mature person."

"Rose is right. Do you mind taking them Star?"

He gave a subtle nod grabbing another for the group. Rose went to grab Flame making certain that he followed after them. Right after the pedestals, the path branched out two ways.

Rose went left without warning while the others bickered. Star followed her to avoid the rising voices.

"Where are the others Star?"

"They're right behind us."

"And by that you mean they haven't moved from our previous location correct?"

"Yes, they kept fighting about which way to go."

"Should we go back for them? Flame has bombs and leaving him with Ocean might be a bit risky."

"Link is still there."

She sighed and kept marching since she knew it would take a while for them to realize her disappearance.

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