Chapter 5

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Rose's POV

My parents.

I sighed sadly before starting my journey down memory lane.


The sun shined high in Hyrule today and a little girl was trying to make a new friend.

"Come back here Mr Bunny!"



"Rose dear be careful. Don't go too far in the forest!"

"Yes, Mother."

My eyes were focused on the small white ball of fluff in front of me.

"I will catch you, bunny boy."

This was my chance to get it. I pounced only to meet with the essence of mother nature.

"Awww man, I missed again," I said with a pout.

I could here Zelda giggling, while mother sighed.

"I'll show them. I will not give up!"

I refocused on my hunt. I will get it before the end of the day. I kept going further and further in the woods to the point where the light itself vanished.

"Where am I?"

The lack of green made me shiver as the cold breeze brushed my neck. The small amount of light is barely enough for me to see ahead. Looking around I couldn't help but notice that everything looked the same.

All I could do was cry in the midst of the situation. In the heart of my despair, stinging pain shot through my head. I screamed as my feet slowly left the ground until I was hanging by the hair on my scalp.

I came face to face with a man. His hair was long, tinted silver with splashes of red resembling blood. His red eyes were dull, emotionless like a statue staring into my soul. He wore a black cloak with the ends ripped and burnt. On his hip, I could distinguish something bright. My breath caught in my throat upon realization. . .

A sword

"Well what do we have here," he said examining me. He eyed the crest of the goddess Hylia sewn to my dress. He smirked in delight, "Well, this is quite a catch."

He threw me to the ground grabbing hold of the sharpened weapon, "With one of you out of the way, taking the kingdom will be much easier."

My body shook vigorously as he came closer. I couldn't move, fear had paralyzed my limbs. A gazelle waiting to be devoured by the lion. He stood in front of me with his sword above his head.


He swung towards me.


A bright light flashed around me. The man flew backwards into a tree. I looked at my clothes in awe. Why was my dress different? And my hair, why was is this colour?

 Why was my dress different? And my hair, why was is this colour?

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