Chapter 6

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Rose's POV

"Rose, welcome to the dark world."

I frowned, "This looks just like Hyrule but distorted, why is that?"

He shrugged his shoulder before placing me on the ground. He took my hand and together we started our journey to the Talus Cave.

GIANT AND I MEAN GIANT TIME SKIP (A/N: I'm not about to explain their entire journey. I'm too lazy for that)

Author's POV

So many years have passed since Rose had left the palace. Her room hadn't changed but the whole under the window mysteriously disappeared. Her parents now slept eternally. It's quite unfortunate really, attacked by a hoard of Tektites.

Zelda was Queen and Link was still hard at work studying and training, being the heir to the throne. A year from now he would be wed to Hyrule's new Queen. Was he happy about it? He had gotten close to her in the past few years but had never grown to love her the way she loved him. He only considered her a friend for another maiden had taken his heart, a certain rose might I add. Want to see where the lucky lady is at?


Then let's go!

*insert page flip*

Somewhere in the Palace of Winds

"That really hurt you know."

"You just shouldn't have peaked when I changed."

"But you've grown beautifully over the years. You're no longer the little curveless girl you used to be."

"Tenebris, keep talking about me like that and I'll make sure you never have an heir."

"Fine, I'll stop your majesty."

"I'm expecting you to keep your words, you damn idiot."

"My such foul words coming from a lady."

"Can you quit it? I don't want him to hear us."

"Oh yeah, my bad."

And off they went, back to the realm of her memories.

Zelda's POV

I was sitting on my throne when someone knocked on the door. Soldiers came rushing in, their happiness clear on their faces. I frowned upon their rude arrival, "What has gotten you all in such a state?"

They all composed themselves and bowed, "Someone has arrived at the gate and is requiring your presence."

I was confused. Who could it possibly be? Unless maybe Link has come to marry me early?! Oh, that would be delightful!

"Bring them in," I said in a hurry. When the doors opened, my happiness faltered. The guest was not Link, but a girl wearing a hood.

"Hello sister," she unveiled "I'm back."

My eyes widened as I stared at the figure before me. It was Rose. She came back, my sister came back and I hated it. She was going to steal Link away from me. She still bore her bright smile, her hair now reached her lower back and her eyes held the same glow they had years ago. She looked around astonished.

"The place really hasn't changed at all, has it" she noted "All the paintings are still there and so is mother and father's throne. You'd think you would have changed it after you became Queen sister."

"Well, where have you been all this time, dear Rose," I asked her with disgust.

She innocently tilted her head to the side.

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