Chapter 15

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Author's POV

It was still night, but the moon refused to show itself, hidden behind the sky's condensed smoke. Although present he was not, his energy, his wind was there and whistling everywhere. Through the water, through the river and through her soul. Rose was still there, in a comatose state. Her body was still but her mind raced around like a mad stallion fighting for freedom.

She kept remembering him. How he almost killed her, how he threatened to take her life away. Her blood loathed every part of him, but somewhere in her, she knew that she'd see him again.

Link's POV

I was in my room pacing in worry. It had been a while since Rose was gone and my little incident earlier didn't help with my building stress. I went to Edward's house and he said she had returned to the castle. The only problem was, the young boy had said that she left ages ago. Many hours had passed since then, and the princess had yet to return. As I paced the floor, my mental state went in a frenzy. I was a complete and utter mess because she was missing.

"Where could she be? It's not like her to stay out like this."

I sighed and calmed down thinking about her possible location. I knew she liked being outside, so my first guess was the palace garden. Sadly, when I reached the little paradise, she was nowhere to be seen.

My frustration levels never ceased to rise.

"Okay take a deep breath. If she's not in the palace, maybe she's out by the forest."

I ran to her secret domain only to find it empty, she wasn't there either.

"This is absurd! Where in world could she have gone?"

I clenched my fist taking deep breaths.

"I need to cool down, maybe some water might help. . . some water. . . that's it!"

A spark of intuition finally went off in my mind and I knew exactly where to find her. Edward told me they went fishing earlier. Maybe she went back to the river afterwards.

I ran to the river and for some reason ended up where I stood just earlier today. The water spirit were gone and so was that cloaked man. The water spirits that held me down were also nowhere to be seen.

"Why did I come here?"

Follow your instinct, let it lead you.

I turned around looking for the voice.

"Who are you?"

I am who guards the princess young one. Alas, I cannot reveal myself to you, Hero of time.

"If I am not permitted to see you, why trust your words?"

Child we have met before, but your mind has forgotten my existence. I am Lilium, you may remember me as Lily. I am Rose's guardian.

"Lily? But didn't you, you know, die?"

Yes, I did child. My body may be gone but my spirit still remains.

"I see. But why should I follow my instinct?"

Because it knows the way. Believe me Link, I have sent Rose a similar message. I was the one who led her to you.

"Why would you lead her to me? I'm promised to her sister."

You speak of promise but your destiny does not lead you towards that path.

"What do you mean? Lily, I don't understand."

My answer was a sickening silence.

"Damn it," I growled clenching my fists "I was hoping to get answers."

A Rose for the Crownजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें