Chapter 2

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Author's POV

Next week struck the young maiden like lightning. Rose was now parent approved (as far as I'm concerned). No more bubbles in her mood just a small jitter in her step. She took the time to fully prepare herself, picking her most splendid outfit for the occasion.

The outfit she picked looked like her sister's but had little tweaks here and there. The crown adorning her hair was the only major difference. The red ruby in the centre of her tiara was replaced with a small crystal rose. The clip she used to keep her hair secured in her ponytail was similar to Zelda's but had a small lace veil trailing behind. Once she finished, she examined herself in the mirror.

"I hope it's good enough," she said leaving her room.

To her great surprise, her elder sister was there, waiting on the side. Rose kept quiet as they walked, not uttering a word in order to keep the beast calm.

Zelda was the first the enter the throne room. Shy little flower soon followed, head high.

Rose's POV

Once my nerves were calm I noticed a young boy. He had blond hair, shining onyx eyes and a smile adorning his face. He wore long-sleeved forest green undershirt, accompanied by a pale green overshirt. He wore these white pants and pair of brown leather boots that reached right below his knee.

He's kinda cute. . . I never said that.

He looked towards us, well my sister really. I quietly sighed knowing I'll always be in her shadow.

Fixing my posture, I stood beside my sister. We both lightly curtsied towards our parents and then our guests.

"Your daughters have good manners I see." spoke the tall unknown man.

His golden hair reached just below his shoulder with a stunning crown ornamenting his head. It resembled mine but had a green teardrop crystal at its heart. His eyes bore the same cerulean spark as the little boy standing at his side. A long dark forest green robe hung on his shoulders. I could see his sleeves peeking from under the cloak. White as freshly fallen snow with sunlit golden embroidery.

"They are both such good girls. Why don't you introduce yourselves?" asked mother.

My elder sister went first, "My name is Zelda, I'm the eldest daughter. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance" she politely said.

I took a small breath and took a step forward. Here goes nothing, "My name is Rose, I'm the youngest daughter. It is a pleasure to meet your majesties. Your presence is an honour to our humble kingdom."

Stepping back to my sister's side, I couldn't help but notice the suffocating silence that had enrobed the room following my introduction, "Someone, please talk" I silently begged.

. . .

Oh no, what did I do?

A joyful laugh finally cut the ring of silence between us.

Oh, thank Hylia.

"Well we're happy to be here Rose, thank you for the welcome."

I jumped quickly smiling to hide my surprise. This man was very nice. He looked at the small boy, beckoning him forward. He shyly bowed announcing his name, "My name is Link son of King Silva, it is an honour to meet you".

Silva? That name is Latin, isn't it?

I pondered for a couple of minutes before it clicked. Silva meant forest (Mother and Father didn't deem it important for me to learn the noble language so my guardian taught me instead).

A Rose for the CrownWhere stories live. Discover now