Chapter 20

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"You need to face reality, Lucy!"

"I'm only saying that she could be a candidate, nothing else,"

"Just face it Lu, you don't like the idea of Minerva being a god because of some past encounters. That happened more than a year ago," 

"...No that's not it!"

"What is it then know-it-all?"

"I all of a sudden don't like the idea that this is a two versus one argument,"

"Thought so," the two voices said in unison. 

It was usual to have this type of conversation in your living room or in your kitchen. Just anywhere that wasn't in a jampacked guild were anyone could overhear this conversation and say:

"I'm a candidate for what?" Just like Minerva did. Her voice booming in the guild hall. Everyone's head snapped to the three guild members. Lucy, Lola and Zeref. Yes, Zeref. As in the black wizard Zeref, the Zeref who could end your life without actually meaning to Zeref. Fortunately, the guild members ever so slightly overlooked that minor detail. 

"Lucy, get us out of this one," a worried Lola demanded. Lucy glared in return hating the idea immediately. "Like hell, I'll get us out of this one, I always have to get us out of trouble!" She whined itching her brown hair. Minerva coughed interrupting their little 'squabble'. Zeref started to back away assuming he wasn't needed.

"We will deal with the fact that a dangerous black wizard is in a 10-mile radius from us after this so Zeref. Get your ass back here," Minerva demanded.

"I'll so have you know that you're talking to-" he began to say finding some sort of courage until he saw the look in Minerva's eye. He automatically shut up.

Satisfied, Minerva returned her gaze at the twins who seemed to have returned into another heated and hushed argument.

"I refuse to say anything to get us out of this situation,"
"I don't know about you but I would love to still have my limbs connected to my body,"
"Ha ha ha, if you cared about your limbs you would stop being a chicken and think of a good excuse so we can leave with our lives,"
"You know what, screw excuses," Lola turned at Minerva, an angry scowl on her face.

"Can we please talk to you in private?" Her voice seemed strained especially when she said please. Not waiting for a reply she grabbed her by Minerva's wrist and literally dragged her to the infirmary, Lucy tagging along with a displeased frown.

"Can you make this quick, the GMGs are going to start and I think this is finally the day that I actually get to participate," Minerva stated getting herself comfortable on one of the wooden chairs, which was extremely difficult because the wooden was the opposite of comfortable. Lola was sitting on the bed opposite her and Lucy was at the entrance, leaning on the door frame with her arms crossed. The frown still present.

"Minerva, I want to think about the all of your interactions with Lucy," Lola said her voice smooth and pleasant. Lucy rolled her eyes recognizing this technique named 'The bipolar therapist' Laxus had the displeasure of encountering this specific technique.

"Is this some sort of therapy?" The ravenette woman asked an eyebrow raised unimpressed.

"..." Lucy nodded impressed, Lola actually was trying to control herself. Laxus would be so pissed to hear this.

"Just do it already!" Minerva quickly closed her eyes and hummed, hopefully, reliving the first ever encounter with Lucy, not a pleasant one mind you if you remember from the Naval Battle (correct me if I'm wrong).

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