Chapter 12

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"May Sara Philia and Sting Eucliffe make their way to the battlefield to face Natsu Dragneel and a new face, Kinana?" The Announcer asked. This was going to be interesting. 

"Sting, I need to give you something before we start," Lucy stated when they were making their way to the podium. Then a white stream of magic came from the Goddess flowing around her. Then it made its way to Sting.

He seemed to stop in his tracks. "What is this?" he asked. This showed he had fully received the magic. Lucy kept on walking, her footsteps echoing.

"It's the truth."

Sting POV 

What did he just see? 

It was Lucy helpless. Not having anyone to call for help. She had scars dotted on her arms. Sounds of her screaming were ringing in the dragon slayers ears. Power was flying towards her but before it hit her time seemed to freeze. Then he heard something soft, a voice.

"Fairy Tail did this to Lucy," and it disappeared pulling him into to reality. The real Lucy pulled removing her cloak to reveal a scar.

Normal POV

On closer inspection Sting realised that it was a word. WEAK it read. He gritted his teeth. Then something else caught his eye. 

"Who did this?" he asked, power radiating from his fuming body.

"The list is too long, don't worry," Lucy whispered. Sting dragged the startled Lucy. She winced at first because of the power seemed to be too much for her. The dragon slayer dragging her seemed oblivious to the worried glances he was receiving. 

Then they arrived. 

And just before the gong sounded signalling that the game began, Sting let go of Lucy and growled inhumanly. 


Kinana was the first to move. "Nightmare Dragon ROAR!" But the roar didn't make it all the way. The power radiating from Sting was so strong that the roar couldn't even touch him without diminishing. Kinana seemed unfazed by this and turned to the goddess.

But she was too slow. "I call upon the Dragons Igneel, grant me the power to defeat my opponents!" Knowing that Natsu would be hesitant to attack his already angered father, she summoned Igneel. Minerva couldn't help but laugh when Lola explained this. 

"She is cruel, I have to give you that," Minerva admitted to herself.

Soon enough Natsu's father figure appeared. Fire emitted from the dragon. Natsu was weak in the knees. Tears threatening to spill.

"Igneel, if it isn't too much for you?" Lucy asked with concern.

"My queen, he harmed you, and as your guardian, it is my duty to see that whoever harmed you in any way is punished," he replied, the fire intensifying at the second. Then Lucy climbed onto the colossal dragon, Sting seemed to just stand there. Lucy, knowing what Sting was going to do, granted him with some of her magic. This seemed to speed the process, then he locked eyes with Natsu.

"Dragon Takeover!" he shouted. What happened next, no one except the Heartfilia's plus gods and goddesses expected. Sting had scales covering every inch of his body. His size multiplied until he was slightly smaller than Igneel. His wings flapped before falling to his side. He had fully become a dragon.

Sting's new form frightened everybody, including the shocked Natsu who seemed frozen in his place. Kinana seemed unfazed still. She knew she couldn't fight these people in this form, and she also knew that she couldn't show her true self in a lousy battle. It had to be at the final. 

Sting glanced at the goddess beside him. Then at the fire dragon slayer in front of him. "No one deserves the pain you've caused for Lucy Heartfilia," Sting started. "As my son, I am disappointed with you." Igneel continued.

"You don't understand father, she is a sad excuse for a mage. She hides behind her spirits all the time. It's embarrassing!" Natsu tried to explain, but this seemed to anger the dragons more. Leading to the combined dragon roar that the dragons did.

"You are a sad excuse for a mage because you can't use your magic to up to half of your potential, you are also a sad excuse of a human because you bring people down to your level and make people feel worthless when you aren't any better than them," Igneel replied, anger evident in his tone. 

"Igneel, you don't have to do this, remember, this is my battle, not yours." Lucy reminded the furious dragon. She jumped to Sting, her wedding ring glinting in the sunlight. "Sting you take Natsu while Igneel and I will take Kinana, she seems way more powerful than she lets on. When you finished with Natsu, join us immediately. Please make it as interesting as possible." she commands her partner in battle with a smirk.

Another jump made her land behind of the possessed mage, swords materialising in her hands. Natsu seemed numb and distracted, maybe it was because of the fact that the person who he was looking for so long was summoned simply and maybe because the person he loved attacked him without hesitation. Either way, he was finished quickly.

Noticing this, she signalled Igneel to fire. Then at Sting to roar, then using her Origin Magic, she quadrupled the power. Making the power impossible to dodge. Kinana didn't make an attempt to move. It was as if she allowed herself to be beaten. Strange?

"And yet again, Sabertooth wins! With a shocking appearance from Igneel, Sara Philia and Sting Eucliffe defeat Salamander and Kinana with ease and without a scratch!" The announcer literally screamed into his microphone, the sound of him screeching to his microphone would have been deafening if the spectators weren't screaming their own lungs out with happiness and support. 

Igneel returned to the Dragon Realm, while Sting returned to his human form. Because of the amount of magic energy he used, he fainted. Rogue, Minerva, Yukino and the rest of the Sabertooth dashed to his unconscious body. Lucy stayed where she was, her family soon joined her. 

"How did Sting have enough energy to turn into a dragon?!" Rose and Ren shouted. She smiled.

"He is stronger when he has more emotion, so I gave him a reason to be emotional, I told him the truth."


And that is a wrap of yet another chapter. Yes, Lucy told Sting about why she left Fairy Tail. But she hasn't told her that she is a goddess. But they will know soon enough. (Note how I say they). I'm starting to experience Writer's Block which is worrying but, I will persevere. 

Anyway, I just want to remind you that this is a ZerLu, not a Sticy fanfiction. So sorry for all those who were hopeful in this chapter. But not gonna happen.

Anyway, don't forget to Vote, Follow, Comment AND KEEP ON READING!!!!


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