Chapter 7

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Lucy let the words replay in her head.

"I swear visits to the dream world is a sign that a goddess is due to have her baby."

Lucy combed her hair with her fingertips. This is a 50/50 situation she thought I could listen to Lola and prepare. Her babies will be born safely without any problem. However, I will miss the chance to see who made the team. And what if I can't go to the GMGs because of the fact that I wasn't there. Sabertooth might not win and the curse will be unleashed on Earthland and it will have to be another world we have to destroy by force. Nice. Now the other option, I reassure her that nothing will happen. Take her to the guild. Be part of the GMG team and win. The only thing that I should worry about is if she was right.

With a final decision, she regained focus and smiled. "I'm sure nothing will happen. It was your first trip after all. Let's go! We might miss who is on the team!" Lucy said reassuringly. Lola looked uneasy but still followed her getting ready. 

They wore matching shorts and black crop tops that had a white heart on it. They also wore brown boots that went up to their knees. Their hair was in a side ponytail Lucy's on the right. Lola's left. They looked at each other. Smiled. And separated to greet their friends from different worlds.

While Lucy greeted her spirits, Lola greeted her deadly sins. These were all the sins she had possession over. Their human forms were friendly but could be quite deadly when in any other form hence the reason why it was in Lola's possession. (A/N: Because they won't be making much of an appearance in the story so I'm just going to use the sins from Seven Deadly Sins if you are one of those people who hate it, don't worry they won't do much. )

"Hey, Meliodas, Diane, Ban, King, Gowther, Merin and Escanor!" Lola says with a smile. During their greeting. Lola felt a tiny kick in her stomach and she tapped it lightly. 

She teleported herself to the Sabertooth guild. Minerva nodded in acknowledgement and Lola smiled warmly. Yukino came over and asked where Lucy was and Lola only shrugged. It wasn't like Lucy to be late. However, in the past, Lucy always did come with a bang! Just as Lola thought that the doors kicked open falling off its hinges. Lucy stood there, power radiating from her. Even though she was wearing normal human clothes, it seemed to shine off her and make her more magnificent than she already was.

"Um, I think you need to get the doors fixed," she stated bluntly and walked over with a small smile. "Have they announced the team for the GMGs?" she asked excited. 

"We are thinking to do 3 months of training first then when we are all fired up. We do a small competition to see who is right for the team." Sting replied sounding smart for once. Lucy sweatdropped now realising what she had done. 

"So you're saying they are not announcing anything today?" she asked stepping forward. Sting nodded. Lucy took another step forward her hair flowing from the power radiation. "So you're saying I really didn't have to come today?" Sting nodded again. Step. "Lola, how much power am I letting out?" 

"Only 2% I think you should hold back!" Lola replied timidly. Step. "So Sting, how was your day so far today?" Lucy asked with a sadistic smirk. Sting wasn't really bothered by the sudden increase of power and replied "Fine thank you. Why'd you ask?" he replied.

"Because it's going to get a whole lot worse!" and Sting was out cold. Lucy mumbled incoherent words about how she could have prepared for the babies. She glared daggers at Sting and mumbled. "Make sure to send right information. Got it?" Sting grunted in reply.

A few minutes later...

Lucy was a bundle of joy. Helping out with everything that needed help with. But whenever Sting was within ten miles from her. She glared daggers at him, her aura suggesting that Sting shouldn't take another step closer. 

"Don't worry Sting, she might feel better after you tell her the announcement that you forgot to tell everyone," Minerva suggested holding in a laugh when she saw the scared look on Sting's face. Can Sting be any more predictable and dumb?

"G-Guys I-I've a-an a-a-a-announcement." Lucy's head snapped around. So fast that her neck made an inhuman clicking sound. The look in her eyes could kill you within milliseconds. Poor Sting. 

"L-L-Lucy and L-Lola had defeated m-me and R-Rouge y-yesterday. O-Our Sabertooth rules s-states that all who can defeat the master and his chosen guildmember, w-w-will automatically become an S-S-S-Class." When Sting finished his sad excuse of a speech, Lola smiled and did a small wave while Lucy glared at Sting. She gave a 'you are in deep trouble and if you know whats good for you stay away for 24hrs' face that was clearly read and understood.

Pssst, Lucy, something whispered in Lucy's head.

  Zeref? she asked surprised. 

Yes, it is me he replied. I have an update! It has been confirmed, Jellal will be participating in the GMGs as Mystogan but his motifs are clearly different from our own.  

What is it? Lucy asked he is after me. And because you basically reek of me you have to stay clear from him

Are you saying he is stronger than me Zeref Dragneel? She mentally did her death glare. 

I'm more worried about the people who get caught up in your fight than if you beat him or not. But I always thought that the Sun god was a star when it came to magic so basically yes. Zeref replied she could feel him rolling his eyes. She closed the telepathic conversation and summoned Virgo.

"Punishment hime?" she asked with her stoic face.

"How about you be the one to give the punishment?" Lucy asked with a smirk. After giving her orders. She turned to look for her twin. When she did find Lola, who was talking to a laughing Yukino and Minerva, she did a little sign language getting Lola's attention. After knowing what it meant she quickly rushed to Lucy's side and mumbled.

"What do you mean there is an update?"

"Zeref told me a while ago. Turns out someone is after Zeref. And they will kill anyone who has something to do with him." Lucy answered. But to cover what they were saying she cast a soundproof force field that was invisible as well.

"Do you know who?" Lola asked worriedly.


As if his name was a trigger. Lola screamed in pain. While Lucy looked at Lola terrified she realised what she said and facepalmed. I swear this man is going to be the death of Lola Lucy thought in despair. She deactivated the force field unaware of the fact that she was deactivating a soundproof force field.

"THE BABIES ARE COMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Lola screamed in pain. ( I never wrote this type of thing before so if I wrote something wrong please let me know!). 

"WHAT!?!?!?!?!?!?!" The Sabertooth members yelled in confusion. Then Lola burst into curses from different languages. Then there was random power being blasted leading to human injuries and guild damages. People were ducking, hiding behind tables, casting walls or shields that only lasted a second and the most common option... running like their lives depends on it because it did.

Lucy was staring at the commotion she occurred. 

She noticed a stealthy Sting trying to make a getaway. Using her power she pulled him towards to her and made him stay beside her. "Punishment time!"

This is what happens when you chose incorrectly. You endanger not only your own but other people's lives. But not in Lucy's case. She was just endangering others.

The Wrath of The Twin Goddesses |ON HOLD|Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ