Chapter 6

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When they came back Wendy immediately ran towards them. "We watched all of the action. Who knew someone as dumb as Sting could recognise you? I definitely didn't. So where are you getting your guild marks?" she asked.

"Right-hand red," Lucy replied

"Left-hand red," Lola replied without a second of consideration.

They walked away soon after.

"Um, Lucy?" Lola asked.


"You know Jellal?" she asked nervously.

"Of course I know Jellal! He is my brother-in-law to be!" she exclaimed.

"He is nearby, but he is not alone," Lola mumbled.

Lucy didn't know if she should squeal or comfort Lola. Either option could hurt her sister and she would hate it if she was the cause of her sudden sadness.

"Do you want to go and see him? I mean you don't have to if you don't want to." Lucy said.

"Ok let's go," Lola said sadly.

They both teleported away to the beach were Jellal and Erza was.

Recognizing the redhead immediately Lucy tried to block Lola's vision. She added to the suspicion by making weird noises. But a look from Lola made her stop. It was a look of longing. She knew it all too well.

"You're not gonna like what you see," she warned. She stepped aside with a sigh. Looking away from her twin, guilt already rising in her throat. It was her that gave Lola the idea after all.

Lola looked expectantly. Finally, she could see the person who she was deprived of for so many years. But she her happiness was short-lived. Time seemed to stop. She stared at her fiancee straddling someone that wasn't her. Her surroundings were darkening. Her hair turning green, the colour of envy. 

"Jellal," she whispered. Her pain clearly evident in her voice. Her eyes were watering. She couldn't cry.  Just as Jellal and Erza's face were inches apart, Lola plunged into treasured memories.


"Jellal!" the 10-year-old girl exclaimed. The boy turned his head to her and beamed at the cute girl. Lola was holding something that looked like a brick but with further inspection would be identified as a phone.

"I went to the future and got this!" Lola exclaimed happily. Jellal looked at it with interest and replied with a frown "Is this some sort of magical weapon?" 

"No according to the people I talked to, it's a phone. It some sort of lacrima but way more complicated." The young replied. She pressed the home button and Jellal yelled when he saw a light coming from it. Lola laughed.

"I don't know much about this, in a way it reminds me of you," Lola stated out of nowhere. Jellal furrowed his eyebrows.

"You always have a surprise that I don't know about. But I know that I'll love you more when you surprise me," she said with her signature smile  - eyes closed and a wide grin. Jellal blushed and looked away. 

"When I went to the future, I saw you with someone else. Someone that I seemed to know. You seemed to have forgotten me then. Promise me that you won't forget me."

"I promise," Jellal replied with a reassuring smile.

Lola was in tears at this point. Lucy wanted to reach her but when she noticed that she was in her envious form she shuddered and stayed a safe distance away from Lola. Whenever Lola was in a seven deadly sin form whichever it might be. You can't, I repeat you can't control her. Sometimes not even herself.

"You promised Jellal, you promised," she mumbled. Then as if on cue Jellal violently pushed Erza away and whispered almost to himself.

"I have a fiancee," those words replayed in Lola's mind. She suddenly had a glimmer of hope and her envious faze was over. She returned to her normal blue-haired self and smiled warmly. 

"You remembered," and she joined a worried Lucy and teleported themselves back home.

 When she reached her bedroom, she sighed contentedly. Her thoughts never leaving the mage she loved for so long.  And she turned to the moon.

"I can't believe I ever doubted you Jellal, although you couldn't possibly remember me, not with that curse. You need someone who can manipulate magic which is quite rare, Lucy might be able to but... I think for the spell to be broken it has to be someone you have never seen before but connected to you all the same." 

(Little did Lola know that in the sequel, a family member develops that specific power!)

Jellal told her when they were younger that if they were ever separated, she should talk to the moon. So Lola ended up talking to the moon whenever she felt lonely, which was often. She went to bed. Drifting to sleep.

"Jellal!" she shouted when she saw the fellow bluenette. He turned around to face her. His facial features softened when he saw the vulnerable girl. 

"So you listened to my advice. You talk to the moon regularly," he said with a smile. He chuckled. "I know you were there, I saw you, you were so hurt and confused. But I love Erza, I thought you knew by now."

Lola laughed nervously "I'm confused you were the one who pulled away. You were the one who said you had a fiancee. Do you even remember me?" she was so confused.

"Of course I remember you!" He argued

"If you did remember me, you should remember our three promises."

"First the one that we made when you were 10 years old," Lola challenged. Despite the fact the person looked and sounded like Jellal, Lola knew it wasn't him and needed to convince herself it was a dream until she was in too much pain to get out of the dream world.

"I will never forget you."

"The one we made 4 years and 6 days after," Lola urged on with a ghost of a smirk.

"I promise that I will fight for you no matter the opponent," Lola laughed.

"You said it wrong! You're not Jellal every time I asked Jellal he would say it telepathically."

And slowly the world turned bright colours and there were tiny whispers saying her name. 

She got up abruptly. Breathing heavily as if she ran a marathon. 

Lola turned to her twin with frantic eyes and said in between pants. "I swear visits to dream world is a sign that a goddess is due to have her baby."


Another chapter down. I feel bad that I haven't added the other gods and goddesses yet but I promise they will be a special moment with them in it.

Vote, comment, follow and KEEP ON READING!!!  


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