Chapter 10

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Previously on The Wrath of The Twin Goddesses brought to you by the one and only Rose and Ren

Rose: We go to the beginning where our protagonist currently is in the guild Fairytail. Then some TakeOver mage comes back from the dead. What was her name lasagne or Isabella?

Ren: Who cares? Anyway, after that Lucy becomes neglected. She seems to ignore the signs at first but when she gets kicked off the famous Team Natsu, that she had been a part of for quite a while, and replaced with Lasagne, she realises that she doesn't belong in the guild anymore but still perseveres. What a strong aunt. But I have to ask, who would call their daughter after food?

Rose: After a couple of months of bullying, one day when Titania attempts to hurt Aunt Lucy,  mum comes to save her! Did you know the armour she used was created by mother? Anyway, when they come to their place of residence, Lucy finally settles everything with Acnologia. 

Ren: Then during the ceremony, there was a small party crasher. The twin goddesses finished them off soon enough. I can't believe that those mortals had the audacity to attempt to hurt mother and Aunt.

Rose: *kicks a random guy who attempts to grope her* I know right so heartless. Anyway. Now we do a time skip. Where Sabertooth is introduced in the story. As you might know, they were the second most powerful guild in Fiore and now the-

Ren: *covers Rose mouth and shoots a glare* No spoilers got it. Sorry for the disturbance. Then Uncle Zeref told both our mother and Aunt Lucy that they had to join the guild due to a warning that Anpul will enter the Grand Magic Games and unleash a curse when winning.

Rose: *pulls hands off her mouth* So they did. Now so far in the GMGs, Sabertooth has won all of their games and battles. The best battle so far has to be hands down Mother vs. Father. So emotional, so scary but so cool. 

Ren: However her threat is kind of bugging the fairies. 

Both: Thanks for reading our Recap by the Green Twins I hope you enjoy the rest of the story.


After a really intense battle between Jellal and Lola, people were still buzzing from the excitement. There were more battles but people seemed unfocused, they were still marvelling about Lola's amazingness. But a certain guild was slightly shaken by what the goddess said during the battle.

"Hate to break it to you, fairy, but as long as you have that emblem, you are my enemy. And I'm going to teach you fairies why it's a bad thing to be an enemy of mine," 

Mavis, the creator of that guild, seemed quite happy, as usual. The guild members looked at her in disbelief. "Mavis, you did hear what Sana said right?" Makarov asked confused. She nodded happily in reply. 

"Then why are you so happy?!" Most of the guild screamed. She looked taken aback for a second then seemed to overcome it. "You won't understand," was all she said in reply.

Then Natsu got up from his seat. "I don't know about you, but no one gets away with threatening my Nakama without getting punished!" people shouted in agreement. Mavis thought to herself If only Lucy could see this right now after what they did to her, I wonder what her reaction would be like? 

Later in the day

Lucy, Lola and her twin children were walking towards the local pub, planning to meet an important family member that went by the name Mavis Vermillion ( goes by the name Mavis Heartfilia but either one will do fine). Rose and Ren animatedly talked about their parent's epic fight. Lola sighed knowing that they weren't the only children talking about her little fight.

"Um mum, dad seemed to not recognise you. And he didn't ask of us, does he even know?" A timid Rose asked looking at her mother with sparkling eyes.

"It's a bit complica-" Lucy began to say but Lola raised her hands.

"They deserve to know. Your father definitely knew that you were going to be born. It's that he was forced to forget..." And then Lola, with help from her sister, explained the tragic story of Jellal's memory loss. By the end, both the other pair of twins were ablaze. Anger oozing off them.

"I swear if I see Anpul again, I will torture him until he begs me to kill him," Ren said.

"I will personally drag him down to the firepits in hell and leave his soul there. But when he is about to die, I will drag him out, then I'll put him back there. Then when he is nearly dead, I will give him to Mira. Oooh, he'll be begging for mercy then," Rose continued with a sadistic smile. 

Let's just say that their auras would be read as deadly.

Lola coughed awkwardly. "You do realise it was in the past. Your father would forgive him. So should you." Then she saw her. Lucy did too. They ran up to their mother and smiling broadly, they jumped around and hugged her.

"Seriously, you always seem to act like 5-year-olds whenever I'm in a 10-mile radius," Mavis said with a fake annoyed expression. "Anyway, where are Rose and Ren?" she asked curiously. Then the other pair of twins appeared. Bowing. 

"You are adorable, you grow up so quickly!" Mavis exclaimed happily. They entered the pub all talking excitedly. "So you created Fairytail?" a curious Rose asked after 30 good minutes of talking.

"Yes, yes I did, didn't I?" she says while glancing at Lucy guiltily. Rose raised her eyebrows in surprise. Unlike her twin brother, she always liked speaking her mind no matter who the person was.

"Was Fairytail ever that good? They currently suck like Laxus's cooking," she asked. She received a glare from her mother. Lucy spat out the drink she was drinking.

Little did everyone know that a certain guild arrived at that moment.

"It's not as if Fairytail were always like this. In my time, we treated each other guild members like family no matter how powerful the mage was, unlike now, people would have been kicked out if they went against our pride. So in other words, we wouldn't have a Fairy tail today." Mavis replied with a small smile.

Then Lola sniffed the air. She cursed. "They are right behind us aren't they?" Ren asked knowingly. She shook her head. "I feel like they are on our right. Sara, what do you think?" Lola asks turning to her sister.

"Yep, definitely to our right," she says whilst nodding. Mavis and Rose couldn't help but laugh at the group. Then with wide eyes, they looked at each other than at the angry guild that was on their right. After cursing in every language in existence, they turned to the Fairy Tail guild with the biggest fake smile that they could muster. In Mavis's case, she smiled innocently.

"So, you think Fairy Tail would be disbanded first master?" a hurt Natsu asked. If it weren't for the fact that Natsu caused so much pain for Lucy, she would have comforted him. Mavis looked at her family before nodding guiltily.

"You would have brought it upon yourself," she replied. Makarov stepped in, the Heartfilia family had to look down to finally notice him. "How? We haven't gone against our pride at all!" Lucy and Rose scoffed at this.

"You watch it there, you have nothing to do with this," a pissed off Gray warned. Rose eyes twinkled, but not in a nice way.

"Pardon?" she asked, her power radiating off her dangerously. Her aura close to competing with her mother's. The ice-mage looked away shuddering.

"Makarov, how could you say that when you watched your children hurt Lucy Heartfilia," Mavis simply replied.

Everyone's head snapped to the First Master. 

It was like Lucy's name was a taboo and that by saying her name, the world would end.


And that's the end of another chapter, I hope you enjoyed the story so far. And your comments are so important to me. I am grateful for every reader. And I'm glad I can write something that so many people can enjoy. I am currently questioning if I should write the sequel first or the prequel first. If you have any thoughts PLEASE comment. Love you guys so much.

Before you guys go, I would just like to remind you to Vote, Comment, Follow AND KEEP ON READING!!!!!!!!!!!


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