Chapter 18

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Lola was walking around Crocus, humming a tune that she didn't know the name of. 

What a life I live in. Whenever I think things couldn't get any worse, it gets worse. Whenever I think things will finally go my way, life just proves that she is an unforgiving bitch. The universe probably thinks that my life is some amusing soap opera. Newsflash, I can destroy the universe with a click of my fingers. A click. Or a blink. Or whatever. As the saying goes, 'when the universe is a bitch, you blame the person who created it' ok, I just created that. And ok, my sister with help with my mother created the universe... Universes. But it's only a-

Her trail of thoughts was abruptly interrupted when she collided with someone hard. Lola closed her eyes. Please let it not be Jellal, the universe, I am sorry that I was harsh on you, please, I beg with all the jewels on the world. Please, not him. 

"Sorry, ma'am," never in her many lives of living, had she loved those two words more than she did now. The voice belonged to a girl.

"No, that was all me," she reassured, now she could properly look at the girl. The first thing she noticed was the long pink hair she had which was in a ponytail. Then the cape. "Sorry to sound like a fangirl but... Weren't you the girl who did that upside transformation?" the girl asked. Her pink eyes sparkling.

"Yes, I am, are you a part of a guild?" the goddess asked smiling warmly. The pinkette seemed fazed by the question as she blinked a few times. There was an awkward silence. When the young girl finally realised that she was still in a conversation she started mumbling. "I... Uh... Do I have to a-answer... You see... My guild history... Uh... Don't take it the wrong way, ma'am..." 

Lola raised a perfectly shaped eyebrow. 

"Can you at least tell me your name?" she asked crossing her arms.

"Meredy," she blurted quickly. 

"Punch me," she demanded her eyes commanding and controlling. Controlling. Exactly the point. Meredy had no choice but to listen to her. Soon a fist came to Lola's direction. She caught with ease.

"Meredy Milkovich, part of the guild Crime Sorcière, formerly part of the dark guild Grimoire Heart," she stated bluntly, fists still in hand. Meredy looked at her with shock. 

"Impressive," a new voice said. Universe why? "How are you?" the voice asked warmly. Lola mentally winced at the sudden fondness. Knowing what to expect next. "Well, all I can say is that life is being a bitch right now," she replied rolling her eyes.

"We need to talk," Jellal said, his tone serious. Lola dropped Meredy's fist and sighed. "Let me do some realising first," she looked at Meredy, then Jellal, then Meredy, then at Jellal again. They both have those capes. Then she pulled a thoughtful expression, finger on her chin. 

"Somethings telling me that," she paused dramatically. "You're in the same Crime Sorcière guild. And..." she paused again this time going a bit back in time when the day when Rose and Ren were born. Didn't her sister warn her that someone was still going after Zeref? Who was it? Her expression now wore a worried one.

"And you're after me because you think that I have something to do with Zeref." Ok, sometimes Lola wished that Anpul never existed. And these were one of those times. She internally cursed.

"Let's make a deal, I'll give you a million jewels. A million. If you go away before things get extremely ugly. Or if you're not a fan of money, I will do anything you desire. Anything," she stuttered, backing away. When she bumped into someone, she squeaked.

It wasn't the fear of dying. For Lola to die, it would be a way more complicated death than a human's. It was fighting a close-to-child and her fianceé that scared her. 

"Ok, this is clearly not gonna work so..." she trailed off. She pulled something out of her pocket. It looked like a brick, but on closer inspection, you could tell it was a phone.

"Is that a phone?" Jellal asked. The bluette girl looked at him, her eyes sparkling. 

"How do you know about the phone. I had to travel through time and worlds to get this, you shouldn't know about this," she whispered, more to herself than Jellal. 

"I don't know myself, I just have this vague memory of someone telling me about it, it's weird. Anyway, on with the matter with hand," he said. Lola almost forgot the situation she was in and lunged at the fellow bluenette. Hugging him as if he was going to slip away any second. 

"No it's not berry jelly," Lola giggled at the nickname she had given him as a child. It sounded foreign on her tongue as she hadn't said for years. 

"Berry jelly?" Meredy asked fighting with her chuckles. Jellal furrowed her eyebrows, this warmth felt so familiar. And yet whenever he thought he knew who owned this warmth, it faded. The girl was now tearing up. Her tears soaking his clothes. Jellal knew for certain that he felt this before. "What's happening?" he whispered.

"Jelly? How could you leave me like that and expect me to not cry? I broke our promise, I broke it," she whispered her words muffled with her sobs. "It hurts, you have no idea how it feels. To go home to see you not there, to know that you'd be living a life without me. To know that you'll still won't remember me no matter how hard I try. To see you with another woman. That wasn't me!" 

She let go of Jellal. And she sunk to the floor. Sobbing. Jellal was distraught. He couldn't help this girl. But when she looked at him. Instead of those distant turquoise eyes that he grew used to over time, there were hazel brown eyes shimmering with tears. This definitely wasn't the same warrior that he fought that day. Even Meredy was shooked.

"Hey, Siri?" Lola whispered, fighting sobs. A satisfying ping sound came from the phone. "Call Ren, and tell him to bring ice cream and that heartbreak playlist," she ordered. She shakily stood up, stumbling a bit. 

"Jellal," she croaked. "On numerous occasions, I've wanted nothing more than to die and forget you, just as easily as you did, but I don't know, I had a gut feeling that you'd come back with that stupid smile of yours. Anyhow, I'll be taking my leave now," she turned away, her loose blue hair swinging from side to side. 

"Whatever you are forgetting Jellal, you better remember now," Meredy stated.

"I know that Meredy. Something about her, I need to remember. I have to. But what if it was just another person that I hurt..." he trailed off. He heard Lola's voice. It was faint.

"I don't know much about this, in a way it reminds me of you,

You always have a surprise that I don't know about. But I know I'll love you when surprise me,"


School is about to start to start and damn you don't know how much I'm dreading it. I know that the posting of the chapters will become less. But... I am trying to do my best. This chapter was actually planned to be posted on Monday, but I pulled a few strings and BOOM I posted it today! 

Also, I am just giving you a heads up, do not ignore the author's note

I hope you'll stay being the faithful readers I know you are AND KEEP ON READING!!!

The Wrath of The Twin Goddesses |ON HOLD|Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon