Chapter 17

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The little girl sighed. This was indeed tiresome. She only just wanted to check if Yukino was alright after her transformation. And yet, she was tempted to make an appearance in the Guildhall. Despite the consequences.

"So you were the time traveller." a voice spoke Mavis stiffened still in her crouching position. "How ironic, a little girl has something of such power. You do realise what you are holding is dangerous," the same voice said. The child rolled her eyes. She had just about had enough with the 'you are too young for everything' because despite her age. She was capable of everything a grown mage could do. By now the girl knew who the person was, she didn't have to look at his figure.

"I am not afraid of you Zeref," she stated confidently. It was far from the truth.

"I only came to ask if you are friend or foe," he said. The young female looked at the black wizard her different shaded green eyes twinkling with mischief. 

"I am anything I want to be, although, my parents would prefer that I answer with, a friend," she says, answering the question.

"How can I trust you?" he inquired. She laughed in reply. After a moment of silence, she sighed. 

"You question your belief when you look at a young girl and yet when you are staring in the eyes of the real enemy, you fail to take action," she replied her voice making a mockery of Zeref.

"Who are you?"  he asked.

"I am Mavis, but not the one you currently know of," she raised her hand for a handshake. "I know who you are, nice to meet you Dragneel," Zeref smirked and took the girls hand in his. 

"Who are your parents?" he asked.

"That's classified," she whispered.

"Will I see you again?" Mavis knew that there was going to be a lot of questions so she stood up from her crouching position. 

"That's classified. Most of your questions will be answered with those same two words. So I will be on my way. Mr Dragneel," and she walked away, smiling. 

Zeref always looked the same. Even in my time in which he is way older. Mother looks different though. But just by spending a little time with her, you know that she is who she is now.  My next mission is going to be the hardest one yet: the concealment of Anpul.
But that is days away from today so I won't come to this time period until then. My parents are counting on me. The future of this world is counting on me. Nina is counting on me.

And she disappeared...


The door of Rose's room swung open and a trembling silhouette stood in the doorway. Knowing who the person was she sighed, rolled off her massive bed and stood up.

The green haired goddess sighed.

"Juvia if you want to talk to me about your precious Gray, you need to knock, I can teach you how to if you just ask," she huffed. Juvia was doing this a lot lately. Ever since she narrowly missed an awkward encounter from the iceberg himself.

"Juvia is sorry, she didn't know it would become a problem for Rose," she apologised. Rose sighed again.

"So what is it now Juvia?" Rose asked.

"Juvia needs advice, she is going to explore Crocus but she is worried that she might encounter Gray-kun again," Rose sighed yet again. This was going to be a very long piece of advice. She signalled for the bluenette to come in.

"So, the good news is. You are doing a good job on downgrading him. The bad news is, you are still mega obsessed with him. The only thing that I can say is that well done for De-Grayifing your room. But I can still see the Gray towel in the corner." she started, waiting for Juvia to reject or anything but the look the bluenette gave her. Rose got the message clearly and backed away.

The Wrath of The Twin Goddesses |ON HOLD|Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang